Ada tertulis di sebuah papan tanda yang ku temukan di dalam hutan
“Jalani hidupmu agar tidak menyesali hari ini dan esok”
Aku, yang terjaga dari tidurku, mencari arti kata-kata itu
Ini bukanlah persoalan yang dapat dijawab walaupun ku pikirkan
Aku keluar dari kamarku
Walaupun pohon-pohon di jalan begitu hijau, langit begitu biru
Orang-orang tidak mengerti bagaimana caranya menggunakan kebaikan
Dengan saling menyentuh, orang-orang muda yang terluka…
Dengan saling menyentuh, menjadi tidak percaya pada keberanian yang lahir
Yang sendirian bukan hanya dirimu
Yang sendirian bukan hanya diriku
Aku meniupkan banyak impian ke dalam sebuah balon
Balon yang lebih ringan dari pada kenyataan itu tenggelam di langit biru
Seandainya aku bisa menjadi bunga,
seandainya aku bisa menjadi angin,
seandainya aku bisa menjadi burung
Aku berpikir demikian karena aku adalah manusia
Kita mencari seseorang yang bukan diri kita sendiri
Kita ingin kembali ke suatu tempat yang bukan di sini
Bahkan jika aku mengubur 99 dari 100 dengan alasan, potongan terakhir adalah sebuah potongan tanpa bentuk yang disebut cinta
Yang ingin dicintai bukan hanya dirimu
Yang membeku bukan hanya diriku
Yang sendirian bukan hanya dirimu
Yang sendirian bukan hanya diriku
Karena itu mari angkat tangan, lukiskan mimpi, tak masalah jika ditertawakan, teriakan tentang cinta
Dengan kesepian yang bergetar lemah dan mudah hancur
Sekarang angkat tanganmu, lukiskan mimpimu, dengan tetap penuh luka mari menyanyikan tentang cinta walaupun kau ingin menangis
Agar dapat bergema di langit seseorang yang tak dapat menangis
Berapa kalipun aku bermimpi berjalan di tengah hutan putih, huruf di papan tanda itu tetap tenang tanpa berkata apapun
Aku adalah pria yang menjadi dewasa dengan mengulang kesalahannya
Aku mengerti, aku mengerti, waktu tak dapat diputar kembali
Terdengar suara samar seseorang seperti meminta pertolongan, terhapus oleh hari-hari yang gaduh
Adakah yang bisa ku lakukan?
Jika ada, aku ingin bernyanyi bersama mu, jika kau tidak keberatan.
Yang ingin dicintai bukan hanya dirimu
Yang membeku bukan hanya diriku
Yang sendirian bukan hanya dirimu
Yang sendirian bukan hanya diriku
Karena itu mari angkat tangan, lukiskan mimpi, tak masalah jika ditertawakan, teriakan tentang cinta
Memeluk suara cahaya yang terbenam di dasar kesunyian
Sekarang angkat tanganmu, lukiskan mimpimu, dengan tetap penuh luka mari menyanyikan tentang cinta
Walaupun hanya sedetik aku ingin langitmu dan langitku menjadi satu
Kamis, 29 Maret 2012
Selasa, 27 Maret 2012
Musashi Miyamoto

He was an orphan at the age of seven, and was cared for by his uncle who is a priest. His father, Munisai Hirato, was also a warrior himself. Miyamoto Masashi did not have a very close relationship with his father, and at age seven, he was left in the care of his uncle who was a priest.
Musashi’s father was a warrior and soon followed in his footsteps by studying kenjutsu from an early age. At the age of 13, he experienced his first combat with a fellow swordsman named Arima Kigei, who Musashi had invited to a battle challenge.
These challenges were not just for the sake of battling of each other but for the primary purpose of who is the most superior at the school. Despite the young age Musashi, Kigei took on the challenge and was sorely defeated. Musashi struck him repeatedly with a stick that ended up killing him. This challenge helped Musashi to gain a sense of popularity and respect from his fellow peers.
During Musashi’s early life he learned how handle his famous musashi katana with one hand instead of the standard two-handed grip. This allowed him the capability to handle two swords at the same time. At the age of 16, he decided that it was time to seek enlightenment through the way of the sword. He began his passageway by leaving home to go for his Musha-Shugyo which is known as warrior pilgrimage.
It is a long time samurai tradition, where a warrior travels all over, fights in duels to help with developing his skills, build his strength, and build up the value of the school that he had previously attended.
During the Musha-Shugyo period, Musashi was completely committed to it and denied himself basic luxuries such as bathing, marriage, and not cutting his hair. Throughout his battles he continued to remain undefeated. During his later years of his life, he gained personality qualities such as patience, humility than he was during his younger years.
He spent time devoting himself to other types of arts that were practiced by other samurais such as the art of Niten Ichi-Ryu kenjutsu. He wrote and published many works on the topic, along with the way of the sword. His works were causes Heiho Sanjugokajo translated as the
35 Articles on the Art of Swordsmanship which focuses on the principles, combat techniques and philosophy of Niten Ich-Ryu. The second was the Go Rin No Sho which is a Book of Five Rings and is known to be one of the most famous works focused on martial arts.
The Go Rin No Sho is focused on five sections which each named after the Japanese elements. Musashi also mastered other unrelated arts such as calligraphy, ink painting, wood sculpture, and metalworking. It is found that he is also known as Kensei, sword-saint. and is the most famous samurai in Japanese history.
Kamis, 15 Maret 2012
Aqua Timez - Natsu No Kakera
Potongan manis kerinduan musim panas masih tersisa di dalam hatiku yang belum dewasa.
Saat itu, semua impian terpancar di mata.
Saat aku ingin terbang ke langit, aku memejamkan mataku.
Entah sejak kapan, aku lupa bagaimana caranya terbang ke langit.
Aku menjadi sangat ahli dalam berbohong dan beralasan.
Kunci dari impianku berada jauh di dalam hatiku.
Aku berpikir hal apa yang telah hilang dan apa yang ada di genggamanku.
Walaupun itu bukanlah suatu hal yang tidak menyenangkan, tapi entah mengapa aku mengeluh.
Saat berada di masa lalu, kita berada di bawah langit musim panas itu, semua hal terlihat gemerlap.
Lagi, ada sebuah nyanyian yang tak terdengar yang diliputi cahaya.
Kita membaca novel dari akhir cerita melaju ke awal cerita.
Ada orang yang bertemu dengan orang lain untuk menyingkap alasan kesedihannya.
Mereka terjatuh di kedalaman cinta, keduanya tidak tahu tentang masa depan.
Tanpa berpikir, menggambar grafiti cinta yang terbatas.
Tanpa menyadari bahwa tembok itu adalah jalan buntu.
Pembatas buku berwarna merah pudar tetap terselip begitu saja.
Memeluk kebahagiaan yang ada dan harapan akan hari esok, kita memejamkan mata dan tertidur lelap.
Ketika kita berada di masa lalu kita menjadikan janji kita yang usang sebagai harta yang berharga.
Lagi, ada sebuah cahaya redup yang disebut keabadian.
Ketika kita berada di masa lalu, dengan sepeda berkarat kita mendaki tanjakan itu.
Bunga bermekaran, angin berhembus, matahari pun menerangi dunia tak berubah seperti saat itu.
Masa muda…sekarang pun masih tetap berlanjut dengan tenang di bawah langit musim gugur yang sangat cerah.
Saat itu, semua impian terpancar di mata.
Saat aku ingin terbang ke langit, aku memejamkan mataku.
Entah sejak kapan, aku lupa bagaimana caranya terbang ke langit.
Aku menjadi sangat ahli dalam berbohong dan beralasan.
Kunci dari impianku berada jauh di dalam hatiku.
Aku berpikir hal apa yang telah hilang dan apa yang ada di genggamanku.
Walaupun itu bukanlah suatu hal yang tidak menyenangkan, tapi entah mengapa aku mengeluh.
Saat berada di masa lalu, kita berada di bawah langit musim panas itu, semua hal terlihat gemerlap.
Lagi, ada sebuah nyanyian yang tak terdengar yang diliputi cahaya.
Kita membaca novel dari akhir cerita melaju ke awal cerita.
Ada orang yang bertemu dengan orang lain untuk menyingkap alasan kesedihannya.
Mereka terjatuh di kedalaman cinta, keduanya tidak tahu tentang masa depan.
Tanpa berpikir, menggambar grafiti cinta yang terbatas.
Tanpa menyadari bahwa tembok itu adalah jalan buntu.
Pembatas buku berwarna merah pudar tetap terselip begitu saja.
Memeluk kebahagiaan yang ada dan harapan akan hari esok, kita memejamkan mata dan tertidur lelap.
Ketika kita berada di masa lalu kita menjadikan janji kita yang usang sebagai harta yang berharga.
Lagi, ada sebuah cahaya redup yang disebut keabadian.
Ketika kita berada di masa lalu, dengan sepeda berkarat kita mendaki tanjakan itu.
Bunga bermekaran, angin berhembus, matahari pun menerangi dunia tak berubah seperti saat itu.
Masa muda…sekarang pun masih tetap berlanjut dengan tenang di bawah langit musim gugur yang sangat cerah.
Minggu, 11 Maret 2012
Aqua Timez - Gravity Ø
Seperti Icarus, kita yang kini hidup telah kehilangan keberanian (yang murni)
Kita hanya melewati hari-hari begitu saja dengan menggenggam pertanyaan
Saat mencari jawabannya, aku menjadi bingung
Jika mengetahui bahwa jawabannya ada di sini
Semua nya akan berubah menjadi warna yang baru
Di balik angin ini pasti ada cahaya, aku percaya itu
Air mata itu suatu saat akan mengering
Walau pun sekarang masih terasa sulit, walau pun sekarang terlihat masih jauh
Walau hanya dengan sedikit senyuman
Kita akan menembus angin, menarik nafas, dan berlari
Tak ada yang perlu ditakuti
Mata mu perlahan-lahan akan terbiasa dengan kegelapan
Hal yang perlu diwaspadai adalah jika mata mu terbiasa dengan cahaya
Jika menjadi apel yang ada di gambar
Tanpa bernafas, selamanya akan tetap merah dan muda
‘Aku tidak akan mencintai siapa pun’
Walau aku telah memutuskan hal seperti itu, tiba-tiba dada ku berdebar
Saat berkata ‘tak perlu khawatir’, aku memeluk hal yang ku khawatirkan dan semuanya berubah menjadi air mata
Di dalam mimpi lelap ku, aku mencoba melukis kembali masa lalu maupun masa depan
Aku takut menerima semua itu, maka aku memejamkan mata ku
Dengan kedua tangan ku, aku tidak bisa memeluk diri mu yang kemarin
Dengan bibir ku, aku tidak bisa mencium diri mu yang esok
Bersama angin aku akan datang, menggenggam tangan mu
Melewati saat ini
Jika di balik cahaya senja, bintang-bintang menangis…
Mari nyanyikan lagu yang lembut bersama-sama
Walau pun dengan suara yang kecil
Tanpa suara pun tak apa
Kau dan aku terhubung melalui lagu
Kita hanya melewati hari-hari begitu saja dengan menggenggam pertanyaan
Saat mencari jawabannya, aku menjadi bingung
Jika mengetahui bahwa jawabannya ada di sini
Semua nya akan berubah menjadi warna yang baru
Di balik angin ini pasti ada cahaya, aku percaya itu
Air mata itu suatu saat akan mengering
Walau pun sekarang masih terasa sulit, walau pun sekarang terlihat masih jauh
Walau hanya dengan sedikit senyuman
Kita akan menembus angin, menarik nafas, dan berlari
Tak ada yang perlu ditakuti
Mata mu perlahan-lahan akan terbiasa dengan kegelapan
Hal yang perlu diwaspadai adalah jika mata mu terbiasa dengan cahaya
Jika menjadi apel yang ada di gambar
Tanpa bernafas, selamanya akan tetap merah dan muda
‘Aku tidak akan mencintai siapa pun’
Walau aku telah memutuskan hal seperti itu, tiba-tiba dada ku berdebar
Saat berkata ‘tak perlu khawatir’, aku memeluk hal yang ku khawatirkan dan semuanya berubah menjadi air mata
Di dalam mimpi lelap ku, aku mencoba melukis kembali masa lalu maupun masa depan
Aku takut menerima semua itu, maka aku memejamkan mata ku
Dengan kedua tangan ku, aku tidak bisa memeluk diri mu yang kemarin
Dengan bibir ku, aku tidak bisa mencium diri mu yang esok
Bersama angin aku akan datang, menggenggam tangan mu
Melewati saat ini
Jika di balik cahaya senja, bintang-bintang menangis…
Mari nyanyikan lagu yang lembut bersama-sama
Walau pun dengan suara yang kecil
Tanpa suara pun tak apa
Kau dan aku terhubung melalui lagu
Belajar Sejarah Dengan Game
Pada jaman yang sudah modern in sangat susah sekali untuk membuat anak-anak kecil menjadi suka belajar sejarah yang dianggapnya sudah kuno dan ketinggalan jaman. Memang sulit karena masih belum ada media yang menarik bagi anak-anak jaman sekarang untuk mempelajari sejarah dengan menyenangkan. Apalagi di Indonessia ini, media yang ada hanya televisi yang tidak dimengerti oleh anak-anak dan juga penampilannya yang masih aneh dan banyak hal yang tidak bermutunya, tapi itu adalah sebuah usaha yang harus dihargai juga.
Kebanyakan anak jaman sekarang lebih suka kemedia elektronik yang menyediakan permainan atau game yang menarik bagi mereka. Sebagai contoh dari sejarah Cina mereka membuat game yang bernama Dynasty Warriors dan di Jepang mereka membuat game yang bernama Samurai Warriors dan masih banyak lagi yang lain, mereka juga menyediakan ensiklopedia tentang sejarah tersebut didalam game tadi. Tidak hanya Cina dan Jepang, Amesrika Serikat juga banyak membuat game tentang sejarah khususnya perang dunia ke-2, sebagai contoh COD (Call Of Duty).
Nah sebagai saran dari saya yaitu Advis Wahyu Adi Cahya ( Advis Kusanagi ) seorang pemuda yang berkarisma, baik hatinya, dan sukses dikeesokan harinya
( HOOOOOEEEEEKKKK....), sebaiknya Indonesia juga menyediakan hal yang sama yaitu game tentang sejarah Indonesia ( mentang-mentang gamer ). Mungkin memang ada efek negatifnya, tapi setidaknya bisa membuat anak-anak mengerti tentang sejarah Indonesia yang disajikan lebih menarik
( mungkin harus belajar dari Master Chef dulu yak biar dikasih GARNISH.. ). Kalo nama-nama game yang akan dibikin bisa juga saya kasih saran kaya : Gajah Mada's Dream, Indonesian Warriors, Comando : Freedom of Indonesia, atau The Legendary : Ir. Soekarno.
Sekian dulu dari saya ya, maklum saya juga masih punya kehidupan lain yang harus saya jalani ^_^.
Terima kasih sudah mampir, jangan lupa follow ya....
By : Advis Kusanagi
Kebanyakan anak jaman sekarang lebih suka kemedia elektronik yang menyediakan permainan atau game yang menarik bagi mereka. Sebagai contoh dari sejarah Cina mereka membuat game yang bernama Dynasty Warriors dan di Jepang mereka membuat game yang bernama Samurai Warriors dan masih banyak lagi yang lain, mereka juga menyediakan ensiklopedia tentang sejarah tersebut didalam game tadi. Tidak hanya Cina dan Jepang, Amesrika Serikat juga banyak membuat game tentang sejarah khususnya perang dunia ke-2, sebagai contoh COD (Call Of Duty).
Nah sebagai saran dari saya yaitu Advis Wahyu Adi Cahya ( Advis Kusanagi ) seorang pemuda yang berkarisma, baik hatinya, dan sukses dikeesokan harinya
( HOOOOOEEEEEKKKK....), sebaiknya Indonesia juga menyediakan hal yang sama yaitu game tentang sejarah Indonesia ( mentang-mentang gamer ). Mungkin memang ada efek negatifnya, tapi setidaknya bisa membuat anak-anak mengerti tentang sejarah Indonesia yang disajikan lebih menarik
( mungkin harus belajar dari Master Chef dulu yak biar dikasih GARNISH.. ). Kalo nama-nama game yang akan dibikin bisa juga saya kasih saran kaya : Gajah Mada's Dream, Indonesian Warriors, Comando : Freedom of Indonesia, atau The Legendary : Ir. Soekarno.
Sekian dulu dari saya ya, maklum saya juga masih punya kehidupan lain yang harus saya jalani ^_^.
Terima kasih sudah mampir, jangan lupa follow ya....
By : Advis Kusanagi
Do'a Nurbuat
Salah satu Doa yang memiliki banyak khasiat diturunkan Allah adalah Do’a Nurbuat (Nurul Nurbuwah/khotamun Nubuah), syarat utama mengamalkannya agar mutazab dengan berlaku ihklas. Menurut Riwayat, bahwa Rasulullah usai melaksanakan Sholat Subuh bersama para sahabat duduk di masjid. Kemudian datanglah malaikat Jibril seraya berkata: “Aku diutus oleh Allah membawa Do’a Nurbuat untuk diserahkan kepadamu (Rasulullah).” Menurut keterangan yang disampaikan oleh Imam At Turmuzi Radhiyallahu ‘anhu bahwa :
Barangsiapa menilik atau memandang kepada “Khatamun Nubuwwah” sedang ia berwudhu’ pada waktu subuh, niscaya Allah akan memelihara akan dia hingga waktu petang. Dan barang siapa menilik kepadanya pada waktu maghrib maka terpelihara pula hingga ke pagi. Demikian juga barang siapa menilek kepadanya pada awal bulan niscaya Allah akan memelihara akan dia dari segala bala dan kecelakaan hingga akhir bulan itu. Selanjutnya barang siapa yang menileknya kepadanya sewaktu hendak berjalan (musafir) niscaya jadilah sepanjang perjalanannya itu barokah dan selamat. Barang siapa mati dalam tahun itu maka niscaya dimatikan Allah dalam keadaan beriman insya Allah Ta’ala, tetapi hendaklah yakin sepenuh hati kepada Allah S.W.T. dan sekurang-kurangnya berselawat keatas Junjungan Besar Rasullulah, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W sebanyak 33 kali atau 313 kali sehari agar mendapat kerahmatan, keberkatan, keredhaan, hidayah, pimpinan, petunjuk dan kasih sayang Allah S.W.T Insya Allah.
“Bismillaahir rohmaanir rohiim. Allahumma dzisshulthanil azhiim. Wa dzil mannil qadim wa dzil wajhil kariim wa waliyyil kalimaatit tammaati wad da’awaati mustajaabati ‘aaqilil hasani wal husaini min anfusil haqqi ‘ainil qudrati wannaazhirinna wa ‘ainil insi wal jinni wa in yakadul ladziinna kafaruu la yuzliquunaka bi-abshaarihim lamma sami’udz dzikra wa yaquuluuna innahu lamajnuun wa maa huwa illa dzikrul lil ‘aalamiina wa mustajaabu luqmanal hakiimi. wa waritsa sulaimaanu daawuda ‘alaihimas salaamu al waduudu dzul ‘arsyil majiidi thawwil ‘umrii wa shahhih ajsadii waqdhi haajatii wa aktsir amwaalii wa aulaadii wa habbib linnaasi ajma’in Watabaa ‘adil ‘adaa wata kullahaa min banii aadama ‘alaihis salaamu man kaana hayya wa yahiqqal qaulu ‘alalkaafiriina waqul jaa al haqqu wa zahaqalbaathilu innal baathila kaana zahuuqaa. Wa nunazzilu minal qur’aani maa huwa syifaa-uw wa rahmatul lil mu’miniina. Wa laa yaziidu zhaalimiina illaa khosaaron. Subhaana rabbika rabbil ‘izzati ‘ammmaa yashifuuna wa salaamun ‘alal murshaliina wal hamdu lillahi rabbil ‘aalamiin.”
“Ya Allah, Zat Yang memiliki kekuasaan yang agung, yang memiliki anugerah yang terdahulu, memiliki wajah yang mulia, menguasai kalimat-kalimat yang sempurna, dan doa-doa yang mustajab, penanggung Hasan dan Husain dari jiwa-jiwa yang haq, dari pandangan mata yang memandang, dari pandangan mata manusia dan jin. Dan sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir benar-benar akan menggelincirkan kamu dengan pandangan mereka, ketika mereka mendengar Al-Quran dan mereka berkata: “Sesungguhnya ia (Muhammad) benar-benar orang yang gila, dan Tiadalah itu semua melainkan sebagai peringatan bagi seluruh alam. Allah yang mengabulkan do’a luqmanul hakim dan mewariskan sulaiman bin daud a.s. Allah adalah Zat Yang Maha Pengasih lagi memiliki singgasana yang Mulia, panjangkanlah umurku, sehatlah jasad tubuhku , kabulkan hajatku, perbanyakkanlah harta bendaku dan anakku, cintakanlah semua manusia dan jauhkanlah permusuhan dari anak cucu Nabi Adam a.s., orang-orang yang masih hidup dan semoga tetap ancaman siksa bagi orang-orang kafir. Dan katakanlah : “Yang haq telah datang dan yang batil telah musnah, sesungguhnya perkara yang batil itu pasti musnah”. Dan Kami turunkan dari Al-Quran suatu yang menjadi penawar dan rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman, dan Al-Quran tidak akan menambah kepada orang-orang yang berbuat aniaya melainkan hanya kerugian. Maha Suci Allah Tuhanmu Tuhan Yang Maha Mulia dari sifat-sifat yang di berikan oleh orang-orang kafir. Dan semoga keselamatan bagi para Rasul. Dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan Semesta Alam.”
Selain daripada doa nurun nubuwwah ia juga di kenali sebagai; doa nurbuwat atau doa nurbuat juga doa nurbuah dan doa nurbuwah, bergantung pada loghat mengikut suku kaum baik di Malaysia maupun di Indonesia. Doa Nurun Nubuwwah di katakan memiliki khasiat yang banyak sekali dan sangat menakjubkan terhadap siapa yang suka membaca dan mengamalkannya dengan ikhlas hati benar-benar kerana Allah. Dan di antara khasiat –khasiatnya adalah seperti berikut;
Khasiat yang terkandung dalam doa Nurbuat antara lain:
• Hajat dapat terkabul, jika dibaca sesudah sholat fardlu secara rutin.
• Dapat bertemu dengan Jin, bisa merubah rupa .
• Dapat menyembuhkan hewan yang cacad bila dibacakan pada hewan tersebut.
• Dapat diampuni dosa kita, jika dibaca ketika matahari terbenam.
• Dapat disayangi oleh musuh, jika dibaca ketika hendak keluar rumah.
• Dapat menjadi penjaga rumah dari gangguan jin, sihir, santet dan bahaya lainnya, jika ditulis lalu disimpan di dalam rumah.
• Dapat menyelamatkan serangan hama, jika ditulis lalu diletakkan pada tanaman.
• Dapat mengusir jin dari tempat-tempat angker, jika ditulis dan diletakkan di tempat tersebut.
• Dapat kesejahteraan dunia akhirta jika dibaca setiap hari secara rutin.
• Dapat menjauhkan dari kekufuran dan perbuatan maksiat jika dibaca 50 kali setiap malam Jum’at.
• Dapat memperlihatkan hal-hal yang indah, jika dibaca 100 kali pada malam Sabtu.
• Dapat menawarkan air laut, jika dibaca lalu ditiupkan pada air laut tersebut.
• Dapat awet muda jika dibaca setiap malam Minggu
• Dapat keselamatan hidup jika dibaca setiap malam Senin.
• Dapat menguatkan tubuh jika dibaca setiap malam Selasa.
• Dapat menguatkan gigi jika dibaca setiap malam Rabu.
• Dapat menjadikan wajah tampak lebih tampan/cantik jika dibaca setiap malam Kamis.
• Dapat menjinakkan binatang buas jika dibaca pada telinga binatang tersebut.
• Dapat bertemu Nabi Muhammad dalam mimpi jika dibaca 100 kali sebelum tidur.
• Dapat menyembuhkan segala macam penyakit jika dibacakan pada minyak kelapa lalu dioleskan pada bagian yang sakit tersebut.
• Dapat dikasihi oleh penguasa, pejabat jika dibaca setiap hari.
• Dapat berjalan jauh, jika dibacakan pada daun sirih yang bertemu ruasnya lalu diioleskan keseluruh tubuh dan kedua kaki.
• Dapat bertemu dengan raja jin jika dibaca pada tengah malam dalam keadaan suci.
• Dapat keselamatan dari pertempuran jika dibaca ketika akan berangkat bertempur.
• Dapat diterima lamaranya jika dibaca ditempat sunyi setelah siangnya berpuasa.
• Dapat memudahkan kelahiran jika dibacakan pada segelas air lalu diminumkan pada Ibu yang akan melahirkan tersebut.
• Dapat menyembuhkan sakit pada mata jika dibaca lalu ditiupkan pada mata yang sakit.
• Dapat menyembuhkan gigitan binatang berbisa jika dibaca lalu ditiupkan pada gigitan tersebut.
• Dapat kemuliaan di lingkungan masyarakat jika dibaca secara rutin setiap hari.
• Dapat melenyapkan permusuhan jika dibaca sebanyak-banyaknya
* Masih banyak khasiat yang terkandung dari Do’a Nurbuat
Bertemu para nabi.
Rasulullah SAW bersabda: ”Barang siapa yang ingin bertemu dengan para Nabi, maka bacalah doa Nurun Nubuwwah sebanyak seratus kali, kemudian tidur, Insya- Allah akan mimpi bertemu dengan para Nabi, di samping itu siapa pun yang melihatnya akan menaruh kasih sayang, dan hendaknya tidak terhenti dalam mewiridkan doa Nurun Nubuwwah ini hingga sampai anak cucu.
Pelindung dari Sihir.
Di riwayatkan , bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda setelah solat Subuh ketika duduk-duduk bersama para sahabat di Masjidil Haram, tiba-tiba datanglah Malaikat Jibrail a.s. membawa doa Nurun Nubuwwah, seraya berkata : ”Wahai Rasulullah, aku telah di utus oleh Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala untuk menyampaikan doa ini kepadamu / Rasulullah”. Selanjutnya beliau bersabda :”Doa Nurun Nubuwwah ini banyak sekali faedahnya bila di baca dan diamalkan. Dan apabila tidak dapat membaca atau tidak hafal, maka cukuplah ditulis, kemudian tulisan tersebut disimpan dalam rumah, maka Allah akan senantiasa memberikan perlindungan kepada penghuni rumah itu dari sihir / tenung atau penyakit.
Hajat Tercapai.
Barangsiapa yang membaca dan mengamalkan doa ini secara istiqamah pada setiap selesai solat sekurang-kurangnya sekali, maka Insya Allah apa pun hajatnya akan segera terlaksana.
Jika ada ratu/raja yang ingin menjadi pendeta (orang yang banyak ilmu) maka dengan berkat doa ini Insya-Allah akan berhasil.
Demikian juga jika ada pendeta yang ingin menjadi Wali Allah, maka dengan berkat doa ini Insya-Allah akan berhasil.
Dimuliakan orang
Rasulullah SAW bersabda , ”Jika kamu ingin dimuliakan oleh orang lain, maka bacalah Doa Nurun Nubuwwah.”
Bilamana anda ingin mendekati raja / menteri atau orang yang berpangkat atau berkumpul dengan orang banyak maka bacalah doa ini pada tiap hari sekurang-kurangnya sekali, Insya-Allah semua orang yang anda dekati itu akan menaruh kasih sayang.
Melamar wanita.
Bilamana anda ingin melamar seorang wanita, maka berpuasalah sehari dan malamnya jangan tidur, kemudian bacalah doa ini terus menerus di tempat yang sunyi, Insya-Allah lamaran anda di terima.
Pengaman bagi orang bertengkar
Bilamana ada orang yang bertengkar, sedang anda ingin melerainya maka bacalah doa ini, Insya-Allah orang yang bertengkar itu akan berhenti dan akhirnya saling memaafkan.
Musuh menjadi takut
Bilamana anda pergi berperang (fisabilillah), bacalah doa ini, Insya-Allah tidak di kejar musuh, bahkan musuh akan lari tunggang langgang ketika bertemu dengan anda.
Harta dunia.
Bilamana anda ingin harta dunia, maka bacalah doa ini pada kunir (kunyit putih / temu) kemudian tanamlah di tanah, Insya-Allah akan jadi emas, tapi jangan berbicara atau beritahu orang lain.
Kuat berjalan
Bilamana anda ingin kuat berjalan, bacalah doa tersebut pada daun sirih yang bertemu ruasnya, kemudian sapukanlah mulai dari kepala hingga kaki, Insya-Allah anda akan kuat berjalan walau sejauh perjalanan yang anda tempuh itu.
Penyelamat dari gangguan makhluk halus.
Bilamana doa Nurun Nubuwwah ini ditulis pada kertas lalu tulisan tersebut di letakkan pada tanaman, Insya-Allah tanaman tersebut akan selamat dari hama, apabila di letakkan pada tempat-tempat yang menakutkan atau pada tempat-tempat yang ditempati syaitan atau iblis, jin atau hantu dan segala macam jenis makhluk halus, maka dalam waktu singkat mereka akan berpindah tanpa kembali lagi.
Mengubat dari kerasukan.
Bilamana ada orang di rasuk hantu, syaitan dan jin, atau gila, maka cara mengubatinya adalah bacakan kepada minyak kemudian sapukan ke badannya..
Raja Jin.
Bilamana anda ingin mendatangkan raja jin, maka bacalah doa ini sebanyak seratus kali dalam keadaan tidak berhadas (suci), baik suci badan dan tempat, kemudian masuk di tempat yang sepi pada malam Jumaat. Insya-Allah anda akan dijumpai oleh si raja jin itu.
Menjumpai Jin.
Suatu keajaiban yang luar biasa bilamana ada jin yang ingin menyerupai manusia, maka jadi lah ia manusia lantaran berkah-Nya doa Nurun Nubuwwah ini, begitu pun manusia jika ingin menjumpai jin, maka ia mengamalkan doa tersebut.
Penyembuh Kesakitan.
Bilamana ada orang sakit, maka bacalah doa ini pada minyak (minyak kelapa / sawit wijen), kemudian sapukan pada tempat yang sakit, Insya-Allah akan lekas sembuh.
Penawar gigitan ular
Bilamana ada orang digigit ular, atau kena sengatan binatang berbisa, atau kena racun dan penyakit lain, maka bacakanlah doa tersebut pada tempat yang terkena gigitan atau sengatan itu, Insya’ Allah akan lekas sembuh.
Sakit mata
Bilamana ada orang sakit mata, maka bacalah doa ini lalu tiupkan pada mata yang sakit itu. Insya-Allah akan lekas sembuh.
Sulit bersalin.
Bilamana ada wanita bersalin yang sulit, maka bacalah doa ini pada pinggang atau mangkuk putih yang berisi air, kemudian airnya diminumkan, Insya-Allah bayinya akan segera keluar tanpa kesulitan yang di derita oleh sang ibu.
Turun hujan.
Bilamana akan turun hujan dalam suatu perjalanan, agar anda tidak kehujanan, maka bacalah doa tersebut, Insya-Allah tidak jadi turun hujan.
Binatang cacat
Jika ada binatang yang cacat dengan dibacakannya akan menjadi sempurnalah binatang tersebut
Mengelakkan serang hama pada tanaman
Jika dipasang/diletakan pada tanaman, Insya-Allah selamat dari segala hama
Air masin menjadi tawar
Bilamana anda pergi belayar naik perahu, kemudian di situ anda kehabisan air minum, maka bacalah doa ini pada air laut, Insya-Allah air laut yang semula jadi masin itu berubah menjadi tawar dan boleh anda minum.
Penyelamat seksa neraka.
Bilamana doa ini di baca setiap hari, maka akan selamat dari seksa neraka, selamat dunia akhirat dan terhindar dari godaan syaitan.
Di baca pada malam Sabtu Ingin mimpi yang indah.
Bilamana anda ingin mimpi yang indah, maka bacalah doa ini pada malam Sabtu, sebanyak seratus kali, Insya Allah akan tercapai.
Di baca pada malam Ahad Awet Muda
Bilamana anda baca pada malam Minggu, maka anda boleh awet muda walau usia sudah lanjut.
Di baca pada malam Isnin Memberi keselamatan.
Bilamana anda baca pada malam Isnin, maka Allah akan memberikan keselamatan kepada anda, dijauhkan dari malapetaka.
Di baca pada malam Selasa -Menjadi kuat
Bilamana anda baca pada malam Selasa, maka anda akan menjadi kuat, serta terjauh dari penyakit.
Di baca pada malam Rabu Gigitan yang kuat
Bilamana anda baca pada malam Rabu, maka gigi anda akan menjadi kuat, serta terjauh dari penyakit.
Di baca pada malam Khamis Penyeri wajah.
Bilamana anda baca pada malam Khamis, maka wajah anda bertambah elok sehingga banyak wanita yang terpikat.
Di baca pada malam Jumaat Binatang menjadi patuh.
Bilamana anda baca pada malam Jumaat, maka semua binatang yang buas akan menjadi patuh terhadap anda. Jika doa ini di baca sebanyak 50 kali, insya-Allah akan terhindar daripada Kufur, Bidaah dan dijauhkan dari pekerjaan yang keji.
Dibaca ketika matahari hendak terbenam- diampuni dosa
Jika di baca ketika matahari hendak terbenam, maka Allah akan mengampuni segala dosanya.
Sumber :
Jumat, 09 Maret 2012
5 Pasukan Elit Terbaik
suatu negara, Pasukan keamanan yang biasanya terdiri dari dari Tentara
nasional dan polisi tak akan bisa mengatasi semua masalah keamanan yang
terjadi di negara tersebut, apalagi jika masalah keamanan yang sedang
dihadapi negara tersebut bersifat khusus atau sering disebut pasukan
khusus (teroris,penyelundupan,dll). karna polisi dan tentara biasa
biasanya hanya dilatih untuk menangani masalah yang bersifat universal.
Oleh karna itu negara perlu membentuk suatu pasukan khusus yang hanya
menangani satu sisi masalah keamanan, dan Hampir semua negara di dunia
sudah mempunyai pasukan khusus, termasuk indonesia dengan kopasus dan
densus 88 nya.
Tapi tahukah anda 5 pasukan khusus yang dianggap terkuat di Dunia ?
1. England SAS (Special Air Service)

resimen pasukan khusus dalam Angkatan Darat Inggris yang pernah
menjadi model bagi pasukan khusus dari negara-negara lain. SAS
membentuk bagian signifikan Pasukan Khusus Kerajaan Inggris Special
Boat Service (SBS), Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR), dan Pasukan
Special Support Group (SFSG).
Beladiri : Gon-Ryu Karate
Alumni : Bear Grylls ( ada di acara discovery channel Survival expert)
Note : Konon SAS kalo lagi perang gerilya, boker nya ampe di bawa ama mereka supaya ga ketauan ada yg tinggal disitu.
2. Mossad Israeli

The Mossad (HaMossad leModi'in uleTafkidim Meyuchadim)
bertanggung jawab atas pengumpulan intelijen dan operasi-operasi
rahasia termasuk kegiatan paramiliter. Ini adalah salah satu entitas
utama dalam Komunitas Intelijen Israel, bersama dengan Aman (intelijen
militer) dan Shin Bet (keamanan internal), tetapi direktur melapor
langsung kepada Perdana Menteri. Peran dan fungsi yang sama dengan
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) dan Secret Intelligence Service (SIS).
Beladiri : Israeli Krav Maga
Alumni : Eitan Rafi (Sekarang beliau udah jadi salah satu pasukan perdamaian dunia)
Moto : "Cegah serangan pertama, netralkan lawan, buatlah mereka melihat mimpi buruk akan hal yang mereka perbuat." -Ron Radjik
3. Indonesian KOPASSUS

adalah pasukan khusus Angkatan Darat Indonesia. kelompok yang
melakukan misi operasi khusus bagi pemerintah Indonesia, seperti
tindakan langsung: konvensional perang, sabotase, kontra-pemberontakan:
kontra-terorisme, dan pengumpulan intelijen. Kopassus ini didirikan
pada tanggal 16 April 1952. dan satuan khusus paling ditakuti adalah
Den 81 Gultor. sayang satuan ini kurang populer dari pada satuan Densus
88 milik kepolisian di Indonesia, padahal den 81 Gultor adalah salah
satu satuan paling ditakuti di dunia. seorang pasukan Den 81 Gultor
sama dengan kemampuan 5 tentara biasa.
survey banyak yang bingung mengapa satuan ini masuk dalam daftar top 5
sedangkan satuan amerika tidak masuk. itu semua adalah dari segi
penilaian kemampuan pasukannya. Navy Seals boleh saja mengerahkan semua
peralatan tempur canggihnya untuk mengatasi suatu peristiwa, tapi
Kopassus mendapatkan poin yang sama dengan Navy Seals namun dengan
peralatan seadanya dan lebih mengutamakan kemampuan individu pasukan.
dalam sebuah latihan bersama antara Kopassus dan Navy Seals, seseorang
meminta mana yg lebih baik, dan akhirnya mereka melucuti segala
peralatan pendukung yang hanya menyisakan senjata Uzi di tangan
masing2. Hasil akhir latihan mudah ditebak. Kopassus sukses membuat
para Navy Seals tak ubahnya sekumpulan bocah pramuka. karena itulah
kami menempatkan Kopassus di daftar ke 3 Pasukan elit terbaik dunia
Beladiri : Merpati Putih
Alumni : 3 terbaik dari KOPASSUS telah dijadikan pasukan perdamaian dunia.
Moto : Berani, Benar, Berhasil.
4. Russian Spetsnaz

khusus Rusia tersebut dapat secara khusus mengacu ke setiap elit atau
unit Spetsnaz di bawah subordinasi Dinas Keamanan Federal (FSB) atau
Rusia Pasukan Internal Departemen Dalam Negeri, dan unit dikontrol oleh
dinas intelijen militer GRU.
Beladiri : Russian Sambo
: "hahaha Betapa bodoh nya mereka yang ingin membunuh kami dengan cara
mereka, mereka hanya tidak tahu bahwa darah yang akan bertumpahan
nantinya berasal dari mereka sendiri. Mereka hanya tidak tahu… itu
5. French GIGN

Gendarmerie Nasional Group, biasa disingkat GIGN (bahasa Perancis:
Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale), adalah elite
Gendarmerie Perancis Operasi Khusus kontra-terorisme dan penyelamatan
sandera unit; itu adalah bagian dari kekuatan militer yang disebut
Gendarmerie. Bahkan jika para anggotanya milik militer, mereka sekarang
dituntut dengan tugas-tugas polisi urbanised di luar daerah. Dengan
demikian unit GIGN ditingkatkan lebih dekat dengan tim SWAT daripada
unit militer murni seperti tentara Inggris SAS. Para operator akan
dilatih untuk mengikuti peraturan polisi dan mencakup negosiasi dan
penyelidikan spesialis.
Sumber :
Kamis, 08 Maret 2012
Aqua Timez - Stay Gold
How many tears have you wiped away with the back of your hand?
As a person, you're given a proper amount of weakness
Each of us have different scenery beneath our eyelids
So it's alright that we're all different, yet alike in some ways
Being cunning, being gentle, wanting to turn around and face someone, not being able to cast aside our dreams
Like a bird passing through the sky, like the wind shaking the flowers: That's what a person loving another person is like
Like the sun rising and setting, like the waves gathering and returning
We scream our love out over and over again
As I was engrossed in deep thought, my ice cream melted
I'm going to break the things that are here now, for the sake of tomorrow
All I'm doing is just staring at broken plates
There isn't a single thing that I can do right now, for the sake of my mistakes
Repeating light and shadow, without changing its speed, the world asks us
I made this mountain that blocks my path from piling up excuses
So I can't blame it on anyone
We say that we want to be strong, but we won't actually do what it takes to be strong; We'll stay the same
I wonder if that's alright?
The drooping flag met the blue wind, and fluttered proudly
I remembered the meaning that exists here
If we hold hands, one day the day will come to let go
Yet, yet, we haven't had enough
Like the sun rising and setting, like the waves gathering and returning
Over and over again, our love...
Like the flag that hovers over that hill where the wind blows
You should sing your song
Like straining my voice right now, shouting that common sense is hidden in the sky
I'm going to keep on singing my song too
As a person, you're given a proper amount of weakness
Each of us have different scenery beneath our eyelids
So it's alright that we're all different, yet alike in some ways
Being cunning, being gentle, wanting to turn around and face someone, not being able to cast aside our dreams
Like a bird passing through the sky, like the wind shaking the flowers: That's what a person loving another person is like
Like the sun rising and setting, like the waves gathering and returning
We scream our love out over and over again
As I was engrossed in deep thought, my ice cream melted
I'm going to break the things that are here now, for the sake of tomorrow
All I'm doing is just staring at broken plates
There isn't a single thing that I can do right now, for the sake of my mistakes
Repeating light and shadow, without changing its speed, the world asks us
I made this mountain that blocks my path from piling up excuses
So I can't blame it on anyone
We say that we want to be strong, but we won't actually do what it takes to be strong; We'll stay the same
I wonder if that's alright?
The drooping flag met the blue wind, and fluttered proudly
I remembered the meaning that exists here
If we hold hands, one day the day will come to let go
Yet, yet, we haven't had enough
Like the sun rising and setting, like the waves gathering and returning
Over and over again, our love...
Like the flag that hovers over that hill where the wind blows
You should sing your song
Like straining my voice right now, shouting that common sense is hidden in the sky
I'm going to keep on singing my song too
Samurai Warriors 2 Guide
Chaos difficulty:
To unlock the Chaos difficulty setting, complete Story mode with
Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Dream stages:
The characters' dream stages can be unlocked only when you complete their
Story modes. For example, to unlock Yukimura Sanada's dream you must clear
his Story mode. This applies to all the characters in the game, except for
five dream stages. They can be unlocked when you complete another
character's Story mode or dream stage.
Kenshin Uesugi's Dream - Successfully complete Shingen Takeda's Dream
Oichi's Dream - Successfully complete Noh's Dream
Magoichi Saika's Dream - Successfully complete Masamune Date's Story mode
Mitsunari Ishida's Dream - Successfully complete Kanetsugu Naoe's Story mode
Uesugi Kenshin's Gaiden - Complete Takeda Shingen's Musou mode including Gaiden
Yoshihiro's Shimazu's Dream - Successfully complete Yukimura Sanada's Dream
Unique bodyguards:
There are two unique non-playable characters that can be unlocked as bodyguards
only. They are Kojiro Sasaki and Katsuie Shibata. Both must be unlocked by
completing special missions in Survival Mode on 76F. If you have enough money,
start from 51F and play until you reach 76F. You should use a powerful character
with maxed stats such as Musashi, Tadakatsu or Keiji.
To unlock Kojiro, you must play the "Employment Opportunity" mission on 76F. On
the first floor, you must score 100 KOs in five minutes. On the second floor, you
must defeat Mitsunari Ishida, Yukimura Sanada and Kanetsugu Naoe in five minutes.
On the third floor, you must defeat the same enemies in the second floor, but
this time they are in Hyper mode and more powerful than before. On the fourth
floor, you must defeat Kojiro himself. He is in Hyper mode and has some bodyguards.
Try to avoid them and defeat Kojiro. On the fifth and final floor, you must defeat
Musashi Miyamoto. He is in Super Hyper mode and is extremely powerful, meaning
that regular attacks will not stagger him. After defeating Musashi, you must
defeat Kojiro again. He is in Super Hyper mode like Musashi. After defeating
him, he will become available in the shop as a bodyguard.
To unlock Katsuie, you must play the "Woeful Beauty" mission on 76F. On the first
floor, you must defeat Oichi. She has a number of bodyguard officers. Try to avoid
them and defeat her. On the second floor, you must approach Hideyoshi and defeat
him quickly in one minute. On the third floor, you must defeat Mitsuhide Akechi
and Ranmaru Mori in three minutes. After defeating them, Nobunaga will appear and
try to escape. You must defeat him quickly. On the fourth floor, you will face
Nagamasa Azai's bodyguards, although it is not required to defeat them because
they will constantly reappear again. Nagamasa will appear after a while. You must
avoid his bodyguards and defeat him to open the stairs. On the fifth and final
floor, you must defeat Katsuie himself. He is in Super Hyper mode and is extremely
powerful, meaning that regular attacks will not stagger him. After defeating him,
he will become available in the shop as a bodyguard.
Unique horses:
There are two unique horses that have special effects in the game. They are the
Persian Mare and Moon Child. Both must be unlocked by completing special missions
in Survival Mode on 71F. If you have enough money, start from 51F and play until
you reach 71F.
To unlock Persian Mare, you must play the "Transport Rescue" mission on 71F,
although it becomes available only when you complete the regular "Medicine Hunt"
mission. On every floor you must focus on protecting the Supply Captain, especially
on the last two floors. On the first floor, you must rescue the Supply Captain by
defeating the four Raiders attacking him. On the second floor, you must defeat
Magoroku Saika to pass. On the third floor, you will face a bunch of Raiders and
Vagabonds. Try to avoid them and defeat Magoichi Saika. On the fourth floor, you
will face Vagabonds and Miscreants. You must avoid them and defeat Okuni. Once she
is defeated, she will come back. When you defeat her, she will appear once again
along with Magoichi. You will need to defeat them and prevent them from killing
the Supply Captain. On the fifth and final floor, you must defeat Kotaro Fuma.
When you defeat him, Hideyoshi along with Nene, Mitsunari Ishida, and Sakon Shima
will appear and charge the Supply Captain. You must defeat them quickly before they
kill the Supply Captain. After defeating them, the Persian Mare will become available
in the shop.
To unlock Moon Child, you must play the "Shopkeeper's Escort" mission on 71F. On the
first floor, you must kill all the Miscreants on the floor. On the second floor, the
Supply Captain will move and stop randomly. When he stops, you will have to find some
Musou Wine. It can be found in any container. On the third floor, you must defeat
four Raiders to make way for the Supply Captain to escape. On the fourth floor, you
must defeat the Marauder. On the fifth and final floor, you will face Tadakatsu Honda,
Ina and Ginchiyo Tachibana. You should defeat Tadakatsu first to make things easier,
as he is extremely powerful. After defeating them the Moon Child will become available
in the shop.
Okuni: Fourth weapon:
Play Infinite Castle. To obtain the Raging Sun (Hinataame no Uzume), you must clear
the Priestess's Temple Donation Solicitation Pilgrimage mission in the Infinite Castle
once on any floor above floor 60. Of course, you must successfully complete the mission
playing as Okuni. This mission spawns somewhat at random; take it as it comes up. The
first floor in the mission has nothing special; on each of the three subsequent stages,
you will have to defeat some subgenerals and then eventually a general such as Ieyasu
Tokugawa or Nobunaga Oda. On the fifth and final floor of the mission, you will
encounter Keiji Maeda fighting a false Okuni clone. Defeat the fake Okuni to finish
the mission. The second time you do this, Keiji Maeda will say he has something for
you and turn hostile. Defeat Keiji and he will drop the weapon box with this weapon
in it.
Sakon Shima: Fourth weapon:
Play Battle of Sekigahara. To obtain the Wrecking Blade (Takeminakata), defeat all
enemy generals (not counting the traitors) while keeping all of your allies alive.
Once done, the supply team will show up from a gate along the south side of the map
and run west.
Nene: Fourth weapon:
Play Battle Of Komaki Nagakute. To obtain the Devil Feathers (Toyotama no Tobikodachi),
you must save the detached force to the east, take Iwasaki Fort, then defeat Hanzou
Hattori, Inahime, and Tadakatsu Honda. Speed over to the east side to aid the severely
weakened detached force. To save them, kill Ujishige Niwa and Naomasa Ii. Then, enter
Iwasaki to the immediate south and take it by defeating Yasumasa Sakakibara. This will
prompt Ieyasu Tokugawa to move his camp to the west. Meanwhile, Hanzou Hattori will
sneak attack your base as Tadakatsu Honda and Inahime attempt to take back Iwasaki
Fort. It takes them some time to get there; so dispatch that ninja, Hanzou. He will
seal the doors so you must use the ninja route just east of the main door to get in.
You should defeat him before he reaches your main camp. With him smashed, return to
Iwasaki and defeat Inahime and the Hyper mode Tadakatsu. Then, ride after the supply
team that will appear from the gate to the left of the middle area.
Submitted by: ashim
Ginchiyo Tachibana: Fourth weapon
Play Conquest of Kyushu on Hard or Chaos mode. To obtain the Heaven's Bite (Raikou Suseri)
you have to mess with the Shimazu clan. Start by crossing the bridge to fall into an ambush.
Take down Iehisa Shimazu then head to the northeast fort to defeat Tadanaga Shimazu. Next
go south to defeat Yoshihiro Shimazu. This will open the doors, to which you will walk into
another ambush on the eastside. Route Toshihisa Shimazu to leave only Yoshihisa Shimazu around.
Feeling lonely, Iehisa, Toshihisa, and Yoshihiro will return and be in Hyper mode.
You now have four hyper generals. Defeat them exactly in the order Iehisa, Toshihisa, and
Yoshihiro to prompt a supply team to appear at the northeast gate that will run for the west.
Intercept the supply team then trash Yoshihisa Shimazu to end the stage.
Hanzou Hattori: Fourth weapon
Play Attack On Ueda Castle. To obtain the Chained Dragon (Inga Yomitsu), you must play in
Hard or Chaos mode. Take out Kotarou Fuuma and all of his clones (three), then defeat
Yukimura Sanada before beating Masayuki Sanada. Stop the water attack to make things easier
for you on your way to Kotarou Fuuma and his three clones. Watch out for super-hyper Yukimura
Sanada though. After finally defeating Masayuki Sanada, you will get a precious item report
in the back of the castle on the first floor, on the right side, behind where one of Fuuma's
duplicates were found.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi: Fourth weapon
Play Battle Of Shizugatake. To obtain the Simian Sansetsu (Mibashira no Utsumiko),you must
play in Hard or Chaos mode. Defeat Toshiie Maeda and convince him to retreat before Katsuie
Shibata orders him to charge. You must then defeat Keiji Maeda when he charges your home
base. Obviously, get over to Toshiie Maeda. Crush him before the order is given by Katsuie
Shibata. You will know if you are too late and the charge order has been given if Toshiie
Maeda is in Hyper mode. After you dispatch him, get back to your main base to intercept
Keiji Maeda before he gets there. Wipe out inconsequential generals along the way if possible.
Keep the fight with Keiji away from any of your allies because they will die in the crossfire
between you and the Hyper Keiji Maeda. Bring him down and get ready to catch the supply team
that will appear at the gate near Toshiie Maeda's base and move southwards.
Ieyasu Tokugawa: Fourth weapon
Play Battle Of Sekigahara. To obtain the Quake Maker (Koujin Wakatakeru), play in Hard or
Chaos mode. Simply enough, just cut loose and kill all the enemy generals. Although you are
not obligated to keep your allies alive (you might want their help) you must keep in mind
the order in which you dispatch your foes. Normally many would defect your side. For example,
taking Ekei Ankokuji will spur Hiroie Yoshikawa and Hidemoto Mouri to defect. Leave them alone
for now and knock around some generals in the central area. Another mess you must be aware of
is that Hideaki Kobayakawa will waver a short time into the battle. Normally you would send
Magobei Fuse to shoot at him to convince Hideaki Kobayakawa to defect. To defuse this situation,
stay away from Magobei Fuse and let him die. Upon his death, all hell will break loose and the
entire enemy force will come charging in on their new morale-boosted fever. Now is the time to
destroy them all without worry. With Mitsunari Ishida all alone, a supply team carrying your
fourth weapon will appear from the fort in the northwest, and move south.
Ina: Fourth weapon
Go through the Siege of Odawara Castle in Story mode under the Hard or Hell difficulty setting.
You must defeat all the Hojo officers by yourself. The sequence is your decisions to make, but
the following is recommended. You can start by razing any enemies you can see until the siege
ramp is ready. Once it is ready, protect it. When you are beyond the walls, defeat the officer
that guarding the cannons. Note: Do not kill the Reserve Captains as this will keep the allied
officers busy. Then, defeat all three officers at south gate (the one with Shimazu). Ignore
the storehouse sub-mission once you are done. Kotaro will send three more officers to your
main camp. Go and defeat them. If you are fast enough, defeat three officers at main gate.
Continue opening the gates by starting from the middle gate and again, defeat the two
officers guarding that position. After that, proceed to north gate to defeat three officers
there (one with Masamune Date). Go to the northwest area and defeat the two officers before
Masamune does. Once done, make your way into the castle (the bomb corridor) and defeat the
two officers guarding it. Again, go into the castle and immediately go to south or lower
left area where the storehouse is located. Defeat all the officers there. You must hurry
before the Shimazu army does. Then, proceed to the second floor in the castle and defeat
Kotaro. A supply team will show up in the east of the castle walls. Intercept them, pick up
the Coiled Viper weapon, then defeat the two Hojos at the third floor.
Kanetsugu Naoe: Fourth weapon
Play Last Stand Against Ieyasu. To obtain the Evil's Bane (Kamunaobi no Mitsurugi), thrash
Masamune Date, Tadakatsu Honda, Hanzou Hattori, and Inahime. Trigger their appearance by
approaching and escorting Kagekatsu Uesugi. Get Masamune Date first, then take out the other
three before allies like Keiji Maeda and Yukimura Sanada get them. Then take a horse to catch
the supply team that will show up from the gate north of the central plain and scurry
Keiji: Fourth weapon
Get 1,000 kills on Keiji's fourth stage, the Battle Of Hasedou, to get his weapon.
Kenshin Uesugi: Fourth weapon
Play Conquest Of Kyushu. To obtain the Frozen Flame (Ama no Murakumo), you must prove
your leadership skills as you tour the battlefield defeating most of the generals. After
being turned away by geysers, go towards Shingen Takeda, wiping out Hideyoshi Hashiba,
Koroku Hachisuka, and Hidemasa Hori along the way. Soon Toshiie Maeda and Nene will show
up for their beating. With them down, move northwest to the enemy home. Be careful; if you
kill everyone outside your army will rush the base and you must get in before they do.
Once you enter, Yoshihiro Shimazu and Yoshihisa Shimazu will reveal that they are really
at the center of the map. Simultaneously, Nobunaga Oda and Nouhime will also creep down
to the northwest fort. You will now have two Shimazus, two fake Shimazus, and Nobunaga
Oda and Nouhime coming to kill you. Defeat them all and Mitsuhide Akechi and Ranmaru Mori
will appear. Take out Mitsuhide Akechi first then Ranmaru Mori. Once done, a supply team
will materialize in Kenshin's camp. Get the weapon from them. In order to end the stage,
you must take on the real Shimazus, who are very strong and in Hyper mode.
Kotaro Fuuma: Fourth weapon
Try to maximize his stats before proceeding to get this weapon. On Kotaro's Dream stage,
The Defense Of Odawara Castle, you must complete a series of missions under the Hard
difficulty setting. You will begin in front of the ninja path. Double jump over it and
start filling your Musou bar. After Mitsunari's transmission, a siege ramp will appear.
Note: Do not destroy it before you receive the mission. Once you have received the mission,
destroy it before the siege ramp is in place. Then, proceed to the north (main gate).
Rescue Chiba Naoshige and defeat the three officers there. You will notice that Nene will
begin her infiltration on the Hojo main general. Ignore it at first. Continue your attack
on the north garrison. Defeat the three officers there and rescue Honjou Ujiteru. Go
towards enemy's main camp and eventually the Tokugawa army will appear. This is the critical
part, and you have to be very fast to defeat all six Tokugawa officers. You can do it in
any sequence, but the recommended one is as follows. First, go to Ieyasu and his friends
and defeat them. Next, defeat the two officers at the castle's front door without entering
the castle. Then, defeat the last Tokugawa officer at the south area. After you have finished
the mission, enter the castle and start killing the fire ninjas and destroy the rigged bomb
inside the castle before proceeding to the third floor. The bomb placements are normally
random, so you will have to search thoroughly. There are usually three bomb and two fire
ninjas on first floor and two bombs and three fire ninjas on the second floor. When the
mission notice appears, you will know that you have gotten all of them. Hurry to the third
floor and defeat Nene. Finally, save your ally officer, Ogawara Yasuhiro, at the southeast
of the map. You must hurry because the ally officer is not as tough as you. Defeat the
officers that are attacking him. Once done, escort him to the safe location as stated in
the map. Along the way you will be ambushed by Sakon Shima at the south gar!
rison (near the ninja path) you to went before. Defeat him as well. Once Ogawara has
safely retreated, you will get a precious item report and the weapon will be on the first
floor. Its stats are Base Attack 44, Shura Element, Life +19, Attack +37, Speed +38,
Jump +17, Musou Charge +33.
Magoichi Saiga: Fourth weapon
Play Escape From Honnouji. To obtain the Marksman's Pride (Gokuen Kagutsuchi), defeat
Nobunaga as fast as possible. However, with unending fog you must acquaint yourself
with the area. Equip a horse and stick close to the walls. If you have to pull over
and fight, use the horse like a compass and park it so it faces in the direction you
want to go so you will know how to orient yourself when you get back on. Also, fight
as close as possible to your horse. If you get too far, you may lose it forever in the
mist. Along the way you will thwart two bandit-on-villager raids, then run into Ranmaru
Mori and Nouhime. Smash them both and continue east to get to the fort Nobunaga Oda is
in. Vanquish the door captain to get in, and rush to defeat Nobunaga Oda as quickly as
possible. Watch for a message stating that the supply team has appeared. Ride out the
south door of the fort (not the door that you entered through) and go directly south.
Once you hit a dead end, turn right (west). Keep going and you should be able to find
the supply team. To be safe, save the game once you get the supply team message so you
can reload in case you cannot find them out there. Once you defeat them the stage is
not over; you must find Kotarou Fuuma and defeat him. Look for him on the east side.
However, his appearance can be random time to time.
Masamune Date: Fourth weapon
Play Showdown At Mikatagahara. To obtain the Manhunters (Oohakari), defeat all enemy
generals except for Ieyasu Tokugawa while keeping all of your ally generals alive.
First, make Musashi Miyamoto lose his Hyper powers by taking the forts on the east
and west sides. He will charge and fall into an ambush. Kill him then take the center
fort. Make your way around the map killing all the other enemy generals. The only ones
you will not be able to reach yet are Inahime and Ieyasu Tokugawa. Take the opportunity
to take as many gates as you can, as things are about to get a lot tougher. Once you
enter Ieyasu's camp, the doors will lock and Ieyasu will reveal himself to be Hanzou
Hattori in disguise. At the same time the real Ieyasu Tokugawa will appear outside the
camp, and he and Inahime will charge your allies, as well as Tadakatsu Honda and other
reinforcements to the north. You must defeat Hanzou as quickly as possible to open the
gates. Then, speed out and aid your allies, prioritizing those who have multiple generals
on them. Killing generals speedily is of the essence, especially when it comes to
Tadakatsu Honda. Once you have defeated everybody except Ieyasu Tokugawa, the supply
team will show up from the northwest gate and move eastwards.
Mitsuhide Akechi: Fourth weapon
In Battle for Unification, Mitsuhide's Dream stage, the task is to defeat Masamune
Date, Keiji Maeda, Katsuie Shibata, Okuni, Sanada Yukimura, and Naoe Kanetsugu. Begin
your attack on Shibata Katsuie first as he is the closest enemy officer. Then later in
progress, Keiji and Okuni will charge to your base as will Yukimura and Kanetsugu.
Thwart their attacks and proceed to Masamune at south. Defeat him as well and proceed
to Tokugawa's main base. You must kill a few officers guarding the gate first. Once you
have defeated them, Tadakatsu will appear and as well as Kotaro at the northeast. After
that, the Akechi army will begin to charge. This will prompt the supply team to show
up a short while later from the north gate. Pick up the weapon, defeat Tadakatsu to
open the door to Tokugawa, then defeat him to finish the stage. The Gilded Talon's stats
are Base Attack 45, Lightning Element, Musou +36, Attack +34, Defense +35, Attack
Range +37.
Mitsunari Ishida: Fourth weapon
Play The Edo Campaign. To obtain the Golden Frill (Shintasu no Shinsen), you must
fulfill a certain number of missions. First up, kill Yoshiaki Mogami. Then save your
ally Hideie Ukita, who was gullible enough to be lured into a trap. Defeat all the enemy
generals around him to successfully rescue him. Some of your friends will now ditch you
and turn traitor. Rebuke them by destroying all of them (Hiroie Yoshikawa, Hidemoto Mouri,
and Hideaki Kobayakawa). You will then get another mission to return to the inside of the
castle and defeat all of the generals there. Once you do, Kotarou Fuuma will appear and
attempt to sneak attack your base from a secret door that opens in the west. Defeat him
before he can arrive at your camp. Next, defeat the one guard captain inside the east
door of the castle to open a door and find a captured ally general, Ekei Ankokuji. With
the prisoner freed, you will receive a mission to escort him back to your base camp.
Destroy everything in your path so he does not get distracted and feel obligated to hack
at anything nearby (especially all the enemy generals that will ambush the two of you).
Once done, make sure you enter the main castle from the north side. Defeat the general
in the way there and you will find a sealed door. At the dead end Ekei Ankokuji will
suggest another path from the south side. Once this happens, a precious item report
will flash on screen and the weapon appears on the bridge between the two sections of
the castle. Go to the south side and cross over to the north part of the castle, finding
the weapon along the way.
Musashi Miyamoto: Fourth weapon
Play Chaos In Kyoto. To obtain the Mastery & Vision (Iwasaku Iwatsutsu), defeat Ieyasu
Tokugawa before he retreats. Ride up there and swat him. A supply team will sprint
from a gate along the east side, moving south. Pick up the weapon and complete the
stage normally by allowing Hideyori Toyotomi to reach the escape point on the east
side, then defeat Kojirou Sasaki when he appears.
Nagamasa Azai: Fourth weapon
Play Defense Of Odani Castle. To obtain the King's Honor (Waou no Yachihoko), defeat
a series of enemy generals. Get Hidemasa Hori and Saizou Kani. Then defeat Nagahide
Niwa and Nagachika Kanamori to seize the northwest fort. Immediately move towards the
fort in the center to trigger Hideyoshi Toyotomi breaking the walls and charging at
the castle. Stop him before he invades the castle. Meanwhile the fort's doors will
close and three more generals will ambush you. Crush them all. At around this time
Oichi will begin moving towards the northeast. Once she arrives, Toshiie Maeda and
Tsuneoki Ikeda will materialize in the north. Take them out. Hurry to the fort in the
southeast and defeat the generals attacking before Tsunachika Kaihou is defeated. Then
Nagamasa will finally order his army to charge. This will cause the supply team to show
up from the center gate on the west side and run eastwards.
Nouhime: Fourth weapon
Play Revolt At Honnouji. To obtain the Delicious Venom (Hiruko) you must complete the
mission to defend Nobutada Oda then oddly enough, you must let Ranmaru Mori die without
triggering the mission to protect him, with Nobutada Oda still alive. As the stage starts,
defeat the two nearby enemy generals harassing Nobunaga Oda. When the fire attack starts,
make your way up the left side through the small alleys and approach Nobutada Oda.
This will trigger the mission to defend him, which you can accomplish by defeating both
generals attacking him. Return to Nobunaga's side and defeat the new generals attacking
him. Watch out for Nobutada. If he gets in trouble you must rescue him, but of course
that means Nobunaga himself might get into trouble. After awhile Mitsuhide Akechi will
pop up on the east side. This will spur Ranmaru Mori to charge Mitsuhide's position.
Let him do so and take out any remaining generals trying to attack Nobunaga. After
Ranmaru gets near Mitsuhide, do not approach either of them, as that will trigger
the mission to protect Ranmaru. If you have already defeated everybody around Nobunaga,
feel free to go up back to where Nobutada is and continue protecting him. Ranmaru
will probably take quite a long time to die. Once he does though, the supply team
will conveniently show up from the west gate near Nobutada's position.
Oichi: Fourth weapon
This weapon is worth struggling for. Getting the weapon will not be easy. On Oichi's
Dream stage, The Revolt At Shizugatake, begin by defeating nearby officers. After awhile
Okuni will appear and assist you. Nene will show up as well, but on Nouhime's side.
Eventually, Nagamasa Azai will try to charge out to assist you but he will be ambushed.
Go to him and defend him. You must then go to the south and defeat Nobunaga. You will
be ambushed by Nene, but do not defeat her yet. After defeating Nobunaga, Tachibana and
Ina will appear. Defeat both of them. About this time Okuni will turn against you, but
do not defeat her yet. Ranmaru will also appear; defeat him. Finally, defeat Okuni
first, then Nene. Nouhime will appear again as well as the supply team. They will be
at the left side of the center area. Pick up the weapon and defeat Nouhime to finish
the stage. The weapon's stats are Base Attack 42, Lightning Element, Life +34, Attack
+38, Defense +34, Musou Charge +32.
Okuni: Fourth weapon
Play Infinite Castle. To obtain the Raging Sun (Hinataame no Uzume), you must clear
the Priestess's Temple Donation Solicitation Pilgrimage mission in the Infinite Castle
once on any floor above floor 60. Of course, you must successfully complete the mission
playing as Okuni. This mission spawns somewhat at random; take it as it comes up. The
first floor in the mission has nothing special; on each of the three subsequent stages,
you will have to defeat some subgenerals and then eventually a general such as Ieyasu
Tokugawa or Nobunaga Oda. On the fifth and final floor of the mission, you will encounter
Keiji Maeda fighting a false Okuni clone. Defeat the fake Okuni to finish the mission.
The second time you do this, Keiji Maeda will say he has something for you and turn
hostile. Defeat Keiji and he will drop the weapon box with this weapon in it.
Ranmaru Mori: Fourth weapon
Play Infinite Castle. To obtain the Iron Vengeance (Shinken Kamudo), follow a very
straightforward list of missions to accomplish. Keep in mind that only the last mission
needs to be done with Ranmaru to earn the weapon; you can clear the other missions
using any character desired. First, complete Mitsuhide Akechi's Request 3, which becomes
available on floor 41 once Ranmaru Mori is playable. You must accompany Mitsuhide Akechi
through the next few floors. Upon clearing this mission, Keiji Maeda's Request 2 spawns
on floor 31. Complete this mission as well and a new mission, Keiji Keiji's Real Request
manifests on floor 46. Complete this mission and on floor 50 Keiji Maeda will decide to
test you and turn hostile. Defeat him and you will gain the weapon.
Sakon Shima: Fourth weapon
Play Battle of Sekigahara. To obtain the Wrecking Blade (Takeminakata), defeat all enemy
generals (not counting the traitors) while keeping all of your allies alive. Once done,
the supply team will show up from a gate along the south side of the map and run west.
Shingen Takeda: Fourth weapon
Play Battle of Nagashino. To obtain the Heaven's Sign (Tenson Kourin), you must manage
some forts and strategically eliminate your enemies. First, take Nagashino Fort directly
in front of you (defeat the general outside to open the doors, then defeat both generals
inside to claim it). Then move south and protect the other fort by defeating Tadatsugu
Sakai. When Tadakatsu Honda and Hideyoshi Hashiba appear and attempt to pincer your
commander's base from north and south, kill them both before they can enter the base.
It is safer to get Tadakatsu first and on the way rout Mitsuhide Akechi. After the event
where it begins raining, thus nullifying Nobunaga's muskets, Shingen will order a charge
and a few moments later the supply team will show up from the south gate and sprint
to the east.
Tadakatsu Honda: Fourth weapon
Play Match Before Tenshou. To obtain the Tonbo-giri (Tousen Arahabaki) you must defeat
all of the following generals before they are able to enter one of the three forts on
the map: Hanzou Hattori, Nene, Kotarou Fuuma, Keiji Maeda, Musashi Miyamoto, Kojirou
Sasaki, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Masamune Date, and Ieyasu Tokugawa. The enemies will arrive
in four ranking waves and the order is somewhat random. If you close in on a general on
a warpath toward one of the forts, you will get a mission message to take him or her
down before he or she enters said fort. You must succeed in all nine missions. If a
general goes into Hyper mode, it means he successfully entered the fort he was headed
to and you have failed to get the weapon. It does not matter if the other named generals
enter any of the forts. Prioritize the generals listed above first. Perhaps have player
two to help distract (not kill) the generals. Once all nine generals are defeated, the
supply team will show up from a southeast gate and head northeast.
Yoshihiro Shimazu: Fourth weapon
Play Breakthrough At Sekigahara. To obtain the Beast Crusher (Ootsuchi Ibuki), you must
complete a number of missions personally. First, defeat a few generals in the center area
just to clear things out. Then, move towards Mitsunari Ishida's position camped out in
the southwest to receive a mission to defend him. Kill all of the generals attacking to
succeed. Move towards Sakon Shima in the east to trigger a mission to defend him. Along
the way, Ieyasu Tokugawa will probably order Hanzou Hattori to charge Mitsunari. If he
does so, go south and intercept Hanzou and defeat him personally. Yoshihiro will then
tell Mitsunari to gather in the center. Take out more generals in the center if you
think Mitsunari will have problems. Then, return to defending Sakon, which involves
defeating the three enemy generals attacking. Ieyasu will now order Tadakatsu Honda
to charge. Defeat him as he comes down south and Yoshihiro will order Sakon to the
center. Go up to the northwest corner and defeat the three enemy generals besieging
Ginchiyo Tachibana's camp. Afterwards Inahime will charge to the west. Go and defeat
her. Once Ginchiyo reaches the center of the map, the real fun begins. A large number
of Tokugawa army replacements suddenly appears, surrounding your allies in the general.
You will then get a mission to eliminate the Eastern Army, which basically involves
killing every new general on the map. Be careful, as Ginchiyo and Sakon have a nasty
tendency to steal your kills because they swing so much faster than you can. Save the
game after every successful kill on your part. Once you kill every general, the doors
to Ieyasu's camp opens. At the same time a supply team will show up from the northwest
corner, moving south.
Yukimura Sanada: Fourth weapon
In Yukimura's fifth stage, The Osaka Campaign, you will begin in the castle.
Defeat the officer that will come on your floor. Make your way outside the castle.
You will see a lot of officers outside in the castle courtyard waiting for your bloodlust.
Defeat them and the main gate will be open. The Tokugawa will send a cannon to destroy
the castle and at the same time Inahime will approach from the east and Masamune will
charge from the west heading towards the castle. Ignore them both and focus on destroying
the cannon. Note: Do not worry if you accidentally kill enemy officers near the cannon.
Once done, quickly defeat Ina before she enters the castle. Then, hastily cross the
courtyard to the west, go through the castle, and defeat Masamune before he enters the
castle. Note: You are free to kill the officers near Masamune. You will then get the
precious item report and the weapon will on the second floor, in a black box. After that,
you can finish the stage normally. Note: You may want to seal the gates to make your
ally officers easier and try to use your second attack. The weapons stats are Base
Attack 45, Fire Element, Life +19, Attack +35, Defense +38, Horse +18, Musou Charge+32.
To unlock the Chaos difficulty setting, complete Story mode with
Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Dream stages:
The characters' dream stages can be unlocked only when you complete their
Story modes. For example, to unlock Yukimura Sanada's dream you must clear
his Story mode. This applies to all the characters in the game, except for
five dream stages. They can be unlocked when you complete another
character's Story mode or dream stage.
Kenshin Uesugi's Dream - Successfully complete Shingen Takeda's Dream
Oichi's Dream - Successfully complete Noh's Dream
Magoichi Saika's Dream - Successfully complete Masamune Date's Story mode
Mitsunari Ishida's Dream - Successfully complete Kanetsugu Naoe's Story mode
Uesugi Kenshin's Gaiden - Complete Takeda Shingen's Musou mode including Gaiden
Yoshihiro's Shimazu's Dream - Successfully complete Yukimura Sanada's Dream
Unique bodyguards:
There are two unique non-playable characters that can be unlocked as bodyguards
only. They are Kojiro Sasaki and Katsuie Shibata. Both must be unlocked by
completing special missions in Survival Mode on 76F. If you have enough money,
start from 51F and play until you reach 76F. You should use a powerful character
with maxed stats such as Musashi, Tadakatsu or Keiji.
To unlock Kojiro, you must play the "Employment Opportunity" mission on 76F. On
the first floor, you must score 100 KOs in five minutes. On the second floor, you
must defeat Mitsunari Ishida, Yukimura Sanada and Kanetsugu Naoe in five minutes.
On the third floor, you must defeat the same enemies in the second floor, but
this time they are in Hyper mode and more powerful than before. On the fourth
floor, you must defeat Kojiro himself. He is in Hyper mode and has some bodyguards.
Try to avoid them and defeat Kojiro. On the fifth and final floor, you must defeat
Musashi Miyamoto. He is in Super Hyper mode and is extremely powerful, meaning
that regular attacks will not stagger him. After defeating Musashi, you must
defeat Kojiro again. He is in Super Hyper mode like Musashi. After defeating
him, he will become available in the shop as a bodyguard.
To unlock Katsuie, you must play the "Woeful Beauty" mission on 76F. On the first
floor, you must defeat Oichi. She has a number of bodyguard officers. Try to avoid
them and defeat her. On the second floor, you must approach Hideyoshi and defeat
him quickly in one minute. On the third floor, you must defeat Mitsuhide Akechi
and Ranmaru Mori in three minutes. After defeating them, Nobunaga will appear and
try to escape. You must defeat him quickly. On the fourth floor, you will face
Nagamasa Azai's bodyguards, although it is not required to defeat them because
they will constantly reappear again. Nagamasa will appear after a while. You must
avoid his bodyguards and defeat him to open the stairs. On the fifth and final
floor, you must defeat Katsuie himself. He is in Super Hyper mode and is extremely
powerful, meaning that regular attacks will not stagger him. After defeating him,
he will become available in the shop as a bodyguard.
Unique horses:
There are two unique horses that have special effects in the game. They are the
Persian Mare and Moon Child. Both must be unlocked by completing special missions
in Survival Mode on 71F. If you have enough money, start from 51F and play until
you reach 71F.
To unlock Persian Mare, you must play the "Transport Rescue" mission on 71F,
although it becomes available only when you complete the regular "Medicine Hunt"
mission. On every floor you must focus on protecting the Supply Captain, especially
on the last two floors. On the first floor, you must rescue the Supply Captain by
defeating the four Raiders attacking him. On the second floor, you must defeat
Magoroku Saika to pass. On the third floor, you will face a bunch of Raiders and
Vagabonds. Try to avoid them and defeat Magoichi Saika. On the fourth floor, you
will face Vagabonds and Miscreants. You must avoid them and defeat Okuni. Once she
is defeated, she will come back. When you defeat her, she will appear once again
along with Magoichi. You will need to defeat them and prevent them from killing
the Supply Captain. On the fifth and final floor, you must defeat Kotaro Fuma.
When you defeat him, Hideyoshi along with Nene, Mitsunari Ishida, and Sakon Shima
will appear and charge the Supply Captain. You must defeat them quickly before they
kill the Supply Captain. After defeating them, the Persian Mare will become available
in the shop.
To unlock Moon Child, you must play the "Shopkeeper's Escort" mission on 71F. On the
first floor, you must kill all the Miscreants on the floor. On the second floor, the
Supply Captain will move and stop randomly. When he stops, you will have to find some
Musou Wine. It can be found in any container. On the third floor, you must defeat
four Raiders to make way for the Supply Captain to escape. On the fourth floor, you
must defeat the Marauder. On the fifth and final floor, you will face Tadakatsu Honda,
Ina and Ginchiyo Tachibana. You should defeat Tadakatsu first to make things easier,
as he is extremely powerful. After defeating them the Moon Child will become available
in the shop.
Okuni: Fourth weapon:
Play Infinite Castle. To obtain the Raging Sun (Hinataame no Uzume), you must clear
the Priestess's Temple Donation Solicitation Pilgrimage mission in the Infinite Castle
once on any floor above floor 60. Of course, you must successfully complete the mission
playing as Okuni. This mission spawns somewhat at random; take it as it comes up. The
first floor in the mission has nothing special; on each of the three subsequent stages,
you will have to defeat some subgenerals and then eventually a general such as Ieyasu
Tokugawa or Nobunaga Oda. On the fifth and final floor of the mission, you will
encounter Keiji Maeda fighting a false Okuni clone. Defeat the fake Okuni to finish
the mission. The second time you do this, Keiji Maeda will say he has something for
you and turn hostile. Defeat Keiji and he will drop the weapon box with this weapon
in it.
Sakon Shima: Fourth weapon:
Play Battle of Sekigahara. To obtain the Wrecking Blade (Takeminakata), defeat all
enemy generals (not counting the traitors) while keeping all of your allies alive.
Once done, the supply team will show up from a gate along the south side of the map
and run west.
Nene: Fourth weapon:
Play Battle Of Komaki Nagakute. To obtain the Devil Feathers (Toyotama no Tobikodachi),
you must save the detached force to the east, take Iwasaki Fort, then defeat Hanzou
Hattori, Inahime, and Tadakatsu Honda. Speed over to the east side to aid the severely
weakened detached force. To save them, kill Ujishige Niwa and Naomasa Ii. Then, enter
Iwasaki to the immediate south and take it by defeating Yasumasa Sakakibara. This will
prompt Ieyasu Tokugawa to move his camp to the west. Meanwhile, Hanzou Hattori will
sneak attack your base as Tadakatsu Honda and Inahime attempt to take back Iwasaki
Fort. It takes them some time to get there; so dispatch that ninja, Hanzou. He will
seal the doors so you must use the ninja route just east of the main door to get in.
You should defeat him before he reaches your main camp. With him smashed, return to
Iwasaki and defeat Inahime and the Hyper mode Tadakatsu. Then, ride after the supply
team that will appear from the gate to the left of the middle area.
Submitted by: ashim
Ginchiyo Tachibana: Fourth weapon
Play Conquest of Kyushu on Hard or Chaos mode. To obtain the Heaven's Bite (Raikou Suseri)
you have to mess with the Shimazu clan. Start by crossing the bridge to fall into an ambush.
Take down Iehisa Shimazu then head to the northeast fort to defeat Tadanaga Shimazu. Next
go south to defeat Yoshihiro Shimazu. This will open the doors, to which you will walk into
another ambush on the eastside. Route Toshihisa Shimazu to leave only Yoshihisa Shimazu around.
Feeling lonely, Iehisa, Toshihisa, and Yoshihiro will return and be in Hyper mode.
You now have four hyper generals. Defeat them exactly in the order Iehisa, Toshihisa, and
Yoshihiro to prompt a supply team to appear at the northeast gate that will run for the west.
Intercept the supply team then trash Yoshihisa Shimazu to end the stage.
Hanzou Hattori: Fourth weapon
Play Attack On Ueda Castle. To obtain the Chained Dragon (Inga Yomitsu), you must play in
Hard or Chaos mode. Take out Kotarou Fuuma and all of his clones (three), then defeat
Yukimura Sanada before beating Masayuki Sanada. Stop the water attack to make things easier
for you on your way to Kotarou Fuuma and his three clones. Watch out for super-hyper Yukimura
Sanada though. After finally defeating Masayuki Sanada, you will get a precious item report
in the back of the castle on the first floor, on the right side, behind where one of Fuuma's
duplicates were found.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi: Fourth weapon
Play Battle Of Shizugatake. To obtain the Simian Sansetsu (Mibashira no Utsumiko),you must
play in Hard or Chaos mode. Defeat Toshiie Maeda and convince him to retreat before Katsuie
Shibata orders him to charge. You must then defeat Keiji Maeda when he charges your home
base. Obviously, get over to Toshiie Maeda. Crush him before the order is given by Katsuie
Shibata. You will know if you are too late and the charge order has been given if Toshiie
Maeda is in Hyper mode. After you dispatch him, get back to your main base to intercept
Keiji Maeda before he gets there. Wipe out inconsequential generals along the way if possible.
Keep the fight with Keiji away from any of your allies because they will die in the crossfire
between you and the Hyper Keiji Maeda. Bring him down and get ready to catch the supply team
that will appear at the gate near Toshiie Maeda's base and move southwards.
Ieyasu Tokugawa: Fourth weapon
Play Battle Of Sekigahara. To obtain the Quake Maker (Koujin Wakatakeru), play in Hard or
Chaos mode. Simply enough, just cut loose and kill all the enemy generals. Although you are
not obligated to keep your allies alive (you might want their help) you must keep in mind
the order in which you dispatch your foes. Normally many would defect your side. For example,
taking Ekei Ankokuji will spur Hiroie Yoshikawa and Hidemoto Mouri to defect. Leave them alone
for now and knock around some generals in the central area. Another mess you must be aware of
is that Hideaki Kobayakawa will waver a short time into the battle. Normally you would send
Magobei Fuse to shoot at him to convince Hideaki Kobayakawa to defect. To defuse this situation,
stay away from Magobei Fuse and let him die. Upon his death, all hell will break loose and the
entire enemy force will come charging in on their new morale-boosted fever. Now is the time to
destroy them all without worry. With Mitsunari Ishida all alone, a supply team carrying your
fourth weapon will appear from the fort in the northwest, and move south.
Ina: Fourth weapon
Go through the Siege of Odawara Castle in Story mode under the Hard or Hell difficulty setting.
You must defeat all the Hojo officers by yourself. The sequence is your decisions to make, but
the following is recommended. You can start by razing any enemies you can see until the siege
ramp is ready. Once it is ready, protect it. When you are beyond the walls, defeat the officer
that guarding the cannons. Note: Do not kill the Reserve Captains as this will keep the allied
officers busy. Then, defeat all three officers at south gate (the one with Shimazu). Ignore
the storehouse sub-mission once you are done. Kotaro will send three more officers to your
main camp. Go and defeat them. If you are fast enough, defeat three officers at main gate.
Continue opening the gates by starting from the middle gate and again, defeat the two
officers guarding that position. After that, proceed to north gate to defeat three officers
there (one with Masamune Date). Go to the northwest area and defeat the two officers before
Masamune does. Once done, make your way into the castle (the bomb corridor) and defeat the
two officers guarding it. Again, go into the castle and immediately go to south or lower
left area where the storehouse is located. Defeat all the officers there. You must hurry
before the Shimazu army does. Then, proceed to the second floor in the castle and defeat
Kotaro. A supply team will show up in the east of the castle walls. Intercept them, pick up
the Coiled Viper weapon, then defeat the two Hojos at the third floor.
Kanetsugu Naoe: Fourth weapon
Play Last Stand Against Ieyasu. To obtain the Evil's Bane (Kamunaobi no Mitsurugi), thrash
Masamune Date, Tadakatsu Honda, Hanzou Hattori, and Inahime. Trigger their appearance by
approaching and escorting Kagekatsu Uesugi. Get Masamune Date first, then take out the other
three before allies like Keiji Maeda and Yukimura Sanada get them. Then take a horse to catch
the supply team that will show up from the gate north of the central plain and scurry
Keiji: Fourth weapon
Get 1,000 kills on Keiji's fourth stage, the Battle Of Hasedou, to get his weapon.
Kenshin Uesugi: Fourth weapon
Play Conquest Of Kyushu. To obtain the Frozen Flame (Ama no Murakumo), you must prove
your leadership skills as you tour the battlefield defeating most of the generals. After
being turned away by geysers, go towards Shingen Takeda, wiping out Hideyoshi Hashiba,
Koroku Hachisuka, and Hidemasa Hori along the way. Soon Toshiie Maeda and Nene will show
up for their beating. With them down, move northwest to the enemy home. Be careful; if you
kill everyone outside your army will rush the base and you must get in before they do.
Once you enter, Yoshihiro Shimazu and Yoshihisa Shimazu will reveal that they are really
at the center of the map. Simultaneously, Nobunaga Oda and Nouhime will also creep down
to the northwest fort. You will now have two Shimazus, two fake Shimazus, and Nobunaga
Oda and Nouhime coming to kill you. Defeat them all and Mitsuhide Akechi and Ranmaru Mori
will appear. Take out Mitsuhide Akechi first then Ranmaru Mori. Once done, a supply team
will materialize in Kenshin's camp. Get the weapon from them. In order to end the stage,
you must take on the real Shimazus, who are very strong and in Hyper mode.
Kotaro Fuuma: Fourth weapon
Try to maximize his stats before proceeding to get this weapon. On Kotaro's Dream stage,
The Defense Of Odawara Castle, you must complete a series of missions under the Hard
difficulty setting. You will begin in front of the ninja path. Double jump over it and
start filling your Musou bar. After Mitsunari's transmission, a siege ramp will appear.
Note: Do not destroy it before you receive the mission. Once you have received the mission,
destroy it before the siege ramp is in place. Then, proceed to the north (main gate).
Rescue Chiba Naoshige and defeat the three officers there. You will notice that Nene will
begin her infiltration on the Hojo main general. Ignore it at first. Continue your attack
on the north garrison. Defeat the three officers there and rescue Honjou Ujiteru. Go
towards enemy's main camp and eventually the Tokugawa army will appear. This is the critical
part, and you have to be very fast to defeat all six Tokugawa officers. You can do it in
any sequence, but the recommended one is as follows. First, go to Ieyasu and his friends
and defeat them. Next, defeat the two officers at the castle's front door without entering
the castle. Then, defeat the last Tokugawa officer at the south area. After you have finished
the mission, enter the castle and start killing the fire ninjas and destroy the rigged bomb
inside the castle before proceeding to the third floor. The bomb placements are normally
random, so you will have to search thoroughly. There are usually three bomb and two fire
ninjas on first floor and two bombs and three fire ninjas on the second floor. When the
mission notice appears, you will know that you have gotten all of them. Hurry to the third
floor and defeat Nene. Finally, save your ally officer, Ogawara Yasuhiro, at the southeast
of the map. You must hurry because the ally officer is not as tough as you. Defeat the
officers that are attacking him. Once done, escort him to the safe location as stated in
the map. Along the way you will be ambushed by Sakon Shima at the south gar!
rison (near the ninja path) you to went before. Defeat him as well. Once Ogawara has
safely retreated, you will get a precious item report and the weapon will be on the first
floor. Its stats are Base Attack 44, Shura Element, Life +19, Attack +37, Speed +38,
Jump +17, Musou Charge +33.
Magoichi Saiga: Fourth weapon
Play Escape From Honnouji. To obtain the Marksman's Pride (Gokuen Kagutsuchi), defeat
Nobunaga as fast as possible. However, with unending fog you must acquaint yourself
with the area. Equip a horse and stick close to the walls. If you have to pull over
and fight, use the horse like a compass and park it so it faces in the direction you
want to go so you will know how to orient yourself when you get back on. Also, fight
as close as possible to your horse. If you get too far, you may lose it forever in the
mist. Along the way you will thwart two bandit-on-villager raids, then run into Ranmaru
Mori and Nouhime. Smash them both and continue east to get to the fort Nobunaga Oda is
in. Vanquish the door captain to get in, and rush to defeat Nobunaga Oda as quickly as
possible. Watch for a message stating that the supply team has appeared. Ride out the
south door of the fort (not the door that you entered through) and go directly south.
Once you hit a dead end, turn right (west). Keep going and you should be able to find
the supply team. To be safe, save the game once you get the supply team message so you
can reload in case you cannot find them out there. Once you defeat them the stage is
not over; you must find Kotarou Fuuma and defeat him. Look for him on the east side.
However, his appearance can be random time to time.
Masamune Date: Fourth weapon
Play Showdown At Mikatagahara. To obtain the Manhunters (Oohakari), defeat all enemy
generals except for Ieyasu Tokugawa while keeping all of your ally generals alive.
First, make Musashi Miyamoto lose his Hyper powers by taking the forts on the east
and west sides. He will charge and fall into an ambush. Kill him then take the center
fort. Make your way around the map killing all the other enemy generals. The only ones
you will not be able to reach yet are Inahime and Ieyasu Tokugawa. Take the opportunity
to take as many gates as you can, as things are about to get a lot tougher. Once you
enter Ieyasu's camp, the doors will lock and Ieyasu will reveal himself to be Hanzou
Hattori in disguise. At the same time the real Ieyasu Tokugawa will appear outside the
camp, and he and Inahime will charge your allies, as well as Tadakatsu Honda and other
reinforcements to the north. You must defeat Hanzou as quickly as possible to open the
gates. Then, speed out and aid your allies, prioritizing those who have multiple generals
on them. Killing generals speedily is of the essence, especially when it comes to
Tadakatsu Honda. Once you have defeated everybody except Ieyasu Tokugawa, the supply
team will show up from the northwest gate and move eastwards.
Mitsuhide Akechi: Fourth weapon
In Battle for Unification, Mitsuhide's Dream stage, the task is to defeat Masamune
Date, Keiji Maeda, Katsuie Shibata, Okuni, Sanada Yukimura, and Naoe Kanetsugu. Begin
your attack on Shibata Katsuie first as he is the closest enemy officer. Then later in
progress, Keiji and Okuni will charge to your base as will Yukimura and Kanetsugu.
Thwart their attacks and proceed to Masamune at south. Defeat him as well and proceed
to Tokugawa's main base. You must kill a few officers guarding the gate first. Once you
have defeated them, Tadakatsu will appear and as well as Kotaro at the northeast. After
that, the Akechi army will begin to charge. This will prompt the supply team to show
up a short while later from the north gate. Pick up the weapon, defeat Tadakatsu to
open the door to Tokugawa, then defeat him to finish the stage. The Gilded Talon's stats
are Base Attack 45, Lightning Element, Musou +36, Attack +34, Defense +35, Attack
Range +37.
Mitsunari Ishida: Fourth weapon
Play The Edo Campaign. To obtain the Golden Frill (Shintasu no Shinsen), you must
fulfill a certain number of missions. First up, kill Yoshiaki Mogami. Then save your
ally Hideie Ukita, who was gullible enough to be lured into a trap. Defeat all the enemy
generals around him to successfully rescue him. Some of your friends will now ditch you
and turn traitor. Rebuke them by destroying all of them (Hiroie Yoshikawa, Hidemoto Mouri,
and Hideaki Kobayakawa). You will then get another mission to return to the inside of the
castle and defeat all of the generals there. Once you do, Kotarou Fuuma will appear and
attempt to sneak attack your base from a secret door that opens in the west. Defeat him
before he can arrive at your camp. Next, defeat the one guard captain inside the east
door of the castle to open a door and find a captured ally general, Ekei Ankokuji. With
the prisoner freed, you will receive a mission to escort him back to your base camp.
Destroy everything in your path so he does not get distracted and feel obligated to hack
at anything nearby (especially all the enemy generals that will ambush the two of you).
Once done, make sure you enter the main castle from the north side. Defeat the general
in the way there and you will find a sealed door. At the dead end Ekei Ankokuji will
suggest another path from the south side. Once this happens, a precious item report
will flash on screen and the weapon appears on the bridge between the two sections of
the castle. Go to the south side and cross over to the north part of the castle, finding
the weapon along the way.
Musashi Miyamoto: Fourth weapon
Play Chaos In Kyoto. To obtain the Mastery & Vision (Iwasaku Iwatsutsu), defeat Ieyasu
Tokugawa before he retreats. Ride up there and swat him. A supply team will sprint
from a gate along the east side, moving south. Pick up the weapon and complete the
stage normally by allowing Hideyori Toyotomi to reach the escape point on the east
side, then defeat Kojirou Sasaki when he appears.
Nagamasa Azai: Fourth weapon
Play Defense Of Odani Castle. To obtain the King's Honor (Waou no Yachihoko), defeat
a series of enemy generals. Get Hidemasa Hori and Saizou Kani. Then defeat Nagahide
Niwa and Nagachika Kanamori to seize the northwest fort. Immediately move towards the
fort in the center to trigger Hideyoshi Toyotomi breaking the walls and charging at
the castle. Stop him before he invades the castle. Meanwhile the fort's doors will
close and three more generals will ambush you. Crush them all. At around this time
Oichi will begin moving towards the northeast. Once she arrives, Toshiie Maeda and
Tsuneoki Ikeda will materialize in the north. Take them out. Hurry to the fort in the
southeast and defeat the generals attacking before Tsunachika Kaihou is defeated. Then
Nagamasa will finally order his army to charge. This will cause the supply team to show
up from the center gate on the west side and run eastwards.
Nouhime: Fourth weapon
Play Revolt At Honnouji. To obtain the Delicious Venom (Hiruko) you must complete the
mission to defend Nobutada Oda then oddly enough, you must let Ranmaru Mori die without
triggering the mission to protect him, with Nobutada Oda still alive. As the stage starts,
defeat the two nearby enemy generals harassing Nobunaga Oda. When the fire attack starts,
make your way up the left side through the small alleys and approach Nobutada Oda.
This will trigger the mission to defend him, which you can accomplish by defeating both
generals attacking him. Return to Nobunaga's side and defeat the new generals attacking
him. Watch out for Nobutada. If he gets in trouble you must rescue him, but of course
that means Nobunaga himself might get into trouble. After awhile Mitsuhide Akechi will
pop up on the east side. This will spur Ranmaru Mori to charge Mitsuhide's position.
Let him do so and take out any remaining generals trying to attack Nobunaga. After
Ranmaru gets near Mitsuhide, do not approach either of them, as that will trigger
the mission to protect Ranmaru. If you have already defeated everybody around Nobunaga,
feel free to go up back to where Nobutada is and continue protecting him. Ranmaru
will probably take quite a long time to die. Once he does though, the supply team
will conveniently show up from the west gate near Nobutada's position.
Oichi: Fourth weapon
This weapon is worth struggling for. Getting the weapon will not be easy. On Oichi's
Dream stage, The Revolt At Shizugatake, begin by defeating nearby officers. After awhile
Okuni will appear and assist you. Nene will show up as well, but on Nouhime's side.
Eventually, Nagamasa Azai will try to charge out to assist you but he will be ambushed.
Go to him and defend him. You must then go to the south and defeat Nobunaga. You will
be ambushed by Nene, but do not defeat her yet. After defeating Nobunaga, Tachibana and
Ina will appear. Defeat both of them. About this time Okuni will turn against you, but
do not defeat her yet. Ranmaru will also appear; defeat him. Finally, defeat Okuni
first, then Nene. Nouhime will appear again as well as the supply team. They will be
at the left side of the center area. Pick up the weapon and defeat Nouhime to finish
the stage. The weapon's stats are Base Attack 42, Lightning Element, Life +34, Attack
+38, Defense +34, Musou Charge +32.
Okuni: Fourth weapon
Play Infinite Castle. To obtain the Raging Sun (Hinataame no Uzume), you must clear
the Priestess's Temple Donation Solicitation Pilgrimage mission in the Infinite Castle
once on any floor above floor 60. Of course, you must successfully complete the mission
playing as Okuni. This mission spawns somewhat at random; take it as it comes up. The
first floor in the mission has nothing special; on each of the three subsequent stages,
you will have to defeat some subgenerals and then eventually a general such as Ieyasu
Tokugawa or Nobunaga Oda. On the fifth and final floor of the mission, you will encounter
Keiji Maeda fighting a false Okuni clone. Defeat the fake Okuni to finish the mission.
The second time you do this, Keiji Maeda will say he has something for you and turn
hostile. Defeat Keiji and he will drop the weapon box with this weapon in it.
Ranmaru Mori: Fourth weapon
Play Infinite Castle. To obtain the Iron Vengeance (Shinken Kamudo), follow a very
straightforward list of missions to accomplish. Keep in mind that only the last mission
needs to be done with Ranmaru to earn the weapon; you can clear the other missions
using any character desired. First, complete Mitsuhide Akechi's Request 3, which becomes
available on floor 41 once Ranmaru Mori is playable. You must accompany Mitsuhide Akechi
through the next few floors. Upon clearing this mission, Keiji Maeda's Request 2 spawns
on floor 31. Complete this mission as well and a new mission, Keiji Keiji's Real Request
manifests on floor 46. Complete this mission and on floor 50 Keiji Maeda will decide to
test you and turn hostile. Defeat him and you will gain the weapon.
Sakon Shima: Fourth weapon
Play Battle of Sekigahara. To obtain the Wrecking Blade (Takeminakata), defeat all enemy
generals (not counting the traitors) while keeping all of your allies alive. Once done,
the supply team will show up from a gate along the south side of the map and run west.
Shingen Takeda: Fourth weapon
Play Battle of Nagashino. To obtain the Heaven's Sign (Tenson Kourin), you must manage
some forts and strategically eliminate your enemies. First, take Nagashino Fort directly
in front of you (defeat the general outside to open the doors, then defeat both generals
inside to claim it). Then move south and protect the other fort by defeating Tadatsugu
Sakai. When Tadakatsu Honda and Hideyoshi Hashiba appear and attempt to pincer your
commander's base from north and south, kill them both before they can enter the base.
It is safer to get Tadakatsu first and on the way rout Mitsuhide Akechi. After the event
where it begins raining, thus nullifying Nobunaga's muskets, Shingen will order a charge
and a few moments later the supply team will show up from the south gate and sprint
to the east.
Tadakatsu Honda: Fourth weapon
Play Match Before Tenshou. To obtain the Tonbo-giri (Tousen Arahabaki) you must defeat
all of the following generals before they are able to enter one of the three forts on
the map: Hanzou Hattori, Nene, Kotarou Fuuma, Keiji Maeda, Musashi Miyamoto, Kojirou
Sasaki, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Masamune Date, and Ieyasu Tokugawa. The enemies will arrive
in four ranking waves and the order is somewhat random. If you close in on a general on
a warpath toward one of the forts, you will get a mission message to take him or her
down before he or she enters said fort. You must succeed in all nine missions. If a
general goes into Hyper mode, it means he successfully entered the fort he was headed
to and you have failed to get the weapon. It does not matter if the other named generals
enter any of the forts. Prioritize the generals listed above first. Perhaps have player
two to help distract (not kill) the generals. Once all nine generals are defeated, the
supply team will show up from a southeast gate and head northeast.
Yoshihiro Shimazu: Fourth weapon
Play Breakthrough At Sekigahara. To obtain the Beast Crusher (Ootsuchi Ibuki), you must
complete a number of missions personally. First, defeat a few generals in the center area
just to clear things out. Then, move towards Mitsunari Ishida's position camped out in
the southwest to receive a mission to defend him. Kill all of the generals attacking to
succeed. Move towards Sakon Shima in the east to trigger a mission to defend him. Along
the way, Ieyasu Tokugawa will probably order Hanzou Hattori to charge Mitsunari. If he
does so, go south and intercept Hanzou and defeat him personally. Yoshihiro will then
tell Mitsunari to gather in the center. Take out more generals in the center if you
think Mitsunari will have problems. Then, return to defending Sakon, which involves
defeating the three enemy generals attacking. Ieyasu will now order Tadakatsu Honda
to charge. Defeat him as he comes down south and Yoshihiro will order Sakon to the
center. Go up to the northwest corner and defeat the three enemy generals besieging
Ginchiyo Tachibana's camp. Afterwards Inahime will charge to the west. Go and defeat
her. Once Ginchiyo reaches the center of the map, the real fun begins. A large number
of Tokugawa army replacements suddenly appears, surrounding your allies in the general.
You will then get a mission to eliminate the Eastern Army, which basically involves
killing every new general on the map. Be careful, as Ginchiyo and Sakon have a nasty
tendency to steal your kills because they swing so much faster than you can. Save the
game after every successful kill on your part. Once you kill every general, the doors
to Ieyasu's camp opens. At the same time a supply team will show up from the northwest
corner, moving south.
Yukimura Sanada: Fourth weapon
In Yukimura's fifth stage, The Osaka Campaign, you will begin in the castle.
Defeat the officer that will come on your floor. Make your way outside the castle.
You will see a lot of officers outside in the castle courtyard waiting for your bloodlust.
Defeat them and the main gate will be open. The Tokugawa will send a cannon to destroy
the castle and at the same time Inahime will approach from the east and Masamune will
charge from the west heading towards the castle. Ignore them both and focus on destroying
the cannon. Note: Do not worry if you accidentally kill enemy officers near the cannon.
Once done, quickly defeat Ina before she enters the castle. Then, hastily cross the
courtyard to the west, go through the castle, and defeat Masamune before he enters the
castle. Note: You are free to kill the officers near Masamune. You will then get the
precious item report and the weapon will on the second floor, in a black box. After that,
you can finish the stage normally. Note: You may want to seal the gates to make your
ally officers easier and try to use your second attack. The weapons stats are Base
Attack 45, Fire Element, Life +19, Attack +35, Defense +38, Horse +18, Musou Charge+32.
Aqua Timez - Stay Gold
Sudah berapa banyak airmata yang kau hapus dengan tangan itu?
Sebagai manusia kita terlahir benar-benar lemah
Tidak apa kita memandang sesuatu dengan caranya masing-masing
Karena kita berbeda, tapi bisa sama dengan penyesuaian diri
Aku ingin seseorang melihatku dengan baik dan buruk
Karena aku tidak bisa membuang mimpiku
Seperti burung yang melintasi langit
Seperti angin yang melambaikan bunga
Orang-orang mencintai satu sama lain
Seperti matahari yang terbit dan tenggelam
Seperti ombak yang membentang dan menggulung
Orang-orang akan terus menerus mengulang meneriakkan cinta
Ketika aku telah hanyut dalam pikiranku
Eskrim ditanganku telah benar-benar meleleh
Demi hari esok, aku telah menghancurkan sesuatu disini
Saat aku memandang pecahan piring itu
Aku tidak bisa melakukan satupun hal yang bisa kulakukan saat ini
Karena kesalahanku
Dunia, tidak mengubah kecepatannya
Tapi cahaya dan bayangan yang bergantian mengejar kita
Gunung yang menghalangi jalanku ini
Adalah hasil dari alasan yang telah aku kumpulkan
dan bukanlah kesalahan siapapun
Kita selalu mengatakan "aku ingin menjadi kuat"
tapi tidak mengatakan "aku akan benar-benar menjadi kuat"
Apakah tidak apa kita tetap seperti ini? Tetap seperti ini?
Bertemu dengan bendera yang tergantung dan berkibar
dengan gagahnya oleh tiupan angin
Mengingatkanku akan suatu makna di tempat ini
Katakanlah ketika tangan kita memiliki sebuah ikatan
Maka suatu saat akan datang hari untuk melepasnya
Meski begitu kita tidak belajar dari pengalaman
Seperti matahari yang terbit dan tenggelam
Seperti ombak yang membentang dan menggulung
Orang-orang akan terus menerus mengulang cinta
Sesungguhnya baik bila kau menyanyikan lagumu
Layaknya bendera yang berdiri di atas bukit yang berangin
Aku pun akan tetap melanjutkan laguku
Untuk mengumpulkan kekuatan
Karena akal sehat telah menyembunyikan langit
Sebagai manusia kita terlahir benar-benar lemah
Tidak apa kita memandang sesuatu dengan caranya masing-masing
Karena kita berbeda, tapi bisa sama dengan penyesuaian diri
Aku ingin seseorang melihatku dengan baik dan buruk
Karena aku tidak bisa membuang mimpiku
Seperti burung yang melintasi langit
Seperti angin yang melambaikan bunga
Orang-orang mencintai satu sama lain
Seperti matahari yang terbit dan tenggelam
Seperti ombak yang membentang dan menggulung
Orang-orang akan terus menerus mengulang meneriakkan cinta
Ketika aku telah hanyut dalam pikiranku
Eskrim ditanganku telah benar-benar meleleh
Demi hari esok, aku telah menghancurkan sesuatu disini
Saat aku memandang pecahan piring itu
Aku tidak bisa melakukan satupun hal yang bisa kulakukan saat ini
Karena kesalahanku
Dunia, tidak mengubah kecepatannya
Tapi cahaya dan bayangan yang bergantian mengejar kita
Gunung yang menghalangi jalanku ini
Adalah hasil dari alasan yang telah aku kumpulkan
dan bukanlah kesalahan siapapun
Kita selalu mengatakan "aku ingin menjadi kuat"
tapi tidak mengatakan "aku akan benar-benar menjadi kuat"
Apakah tidak apa kita tetap seperti ini? Tetap seperti ini?
Bertemu dengan bendera yang tergantung dan berkibar
dengan gagahnya oleh tiupan angin
Mengingatkanku akan suatu makna di tempat ini
Katakanlah ketika tangan kita memiliki sebuah ikatan
Maka suatu saat akan datang hari untuk melepasnya
Meski begitu kita tidak belajar dari pengalaman
Seperti matahari yang terbit dan tenggelam
Seperti ombak yang membentang dan menggulung
Orang-orang akan terus menerus mengulang cinta
Sesungguhnya baik bila kau menyanyikan lagumu
Layaknya bendera yang berdiri di atas bukit yang berangin
Aku pun akan tetap melanjutkan laguku
Untuk mengumpulkan kekuatan
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Ma Chao
Ma Chao was born in Maoling, Fufeng Prefecture (northeastern Xingping
now, Shaanxi), half Han Chinese descent and half-Qiang, Ma Teng, and
Qiang's mother. His father was one of the many warlords who emerged in
the late Han Dynasty, and was appointed "General Who Conquers the West"
by the imperial court.
Ma Chao was ordered by his father to follow Yao Zhong, Ma Chao ordered his troops at the Battle of the River Fen (Pingyang) in AD 202. In this battle, the combined forces under the command of Ma Chao and Yao Zhong victory against the generals and Guo Yuan Yuan Shang.
Director of followers, to attack Guo Yuan and Gao Gan in Pingyang. In the next battle, Ma hit by an arrow in the leg. But she wrapped her legs with a bag and the battle continues. He managed to defeat the enemy, while his subordinates to kill Pang De Guo Yuan. When Cao Cao became chancellor and then, he wants Ma to serve in the capital but Ma refuses.
At that time, Ma Teng has a difference of opinion with Han Sui, "General Who Controls the West", and he left the Province of Liang to work in the capital. Ma Teng was appointed as "Minister of Guards" by Cao Cao, and the whole family moved to Ye. Stay in the province of Ma Chao Liang, and appointed "Lieutenant General" and ordered to take command of his troops. He also received the title of "Marquis of Duting"
In 210 AD, Ma Teng Cao Cao summoned to the capital of the Han dynasty (at the time), Xuchang. Ma Teng Ma Chao led an army in the West, however. For the time being, there is peace between Ma Chao restless and Cao Cao. In the year 211, Cao Cao sent Xiahou Yuan Zhong Yao and to lead troops to attack Zhang Lu in Hanzhong. They will pass along the road Liang Province, and Ma Chao suspect that Cao was planning to attack him. He's at peace with Han Sui and contact Yang Qiu, Li Kan, Cheng Yi, and others. They form a force of about 100,000 strong to attack Cao Cao at Tong Pass.
Cao Hong back to Luo Yang and report to Cao Cao. Cao Cao's troops prepare to attack and seize back from Ma Chao Tong Pass. Before the battle, Cao Cao out to negotiate with Ma and Han Sui. Ma thought highly of him and secretly plans to capture Cao. However, he was afraid to move when guards Cao, Xu Chu, glared at him. Cao then puts Ma family, including Ma Teng (Ma Chao's father) death for alleged rebellion against the emperor.
Hearing the death of his father, Ma Chao, Cao increasingly upset with the action. Cao then attack Ma Chao at Tong Pass and can be defeated by Ma Chao's army, Battle of Tong Pass
In 211, Ma deploy troops to fight against Cao Cao to revenge his father and brothers, who was murdered on the orders of Cao. With the support of Han Sui, brothers of the oath of his father, Ma attacked Chang'an and conquers it with ease, after which he advanced to the direction of Tong Pass. Cao Cao was surprised and he sent Xu Huang and Cao Hong led 10,000 troops to block, issued an order for them to refrain from engaging the enemy and survive for 10 days. However, on the ninth day, Cao Hong could not bear the insults and taunts of Ma and his men, and led out to attack Ma without asking permission first. Xu Huang came to help Cao Hong, but both are not suitable for Ma, and loss of Tong Pass.
Cao Cao personally led the army to retake the Tong Pass. In the next battle, many of the best generals, such as Zhang He and Yu Jin, was defeated by Ma himself. Cao escape and he cut his beard and red robes thrown over flee to avoid identified by Ma's troops before rescued by Cao Hong and Xiahou Yuan. Cao Cao then led his troops across the river to cut off supply lines Ma, but Ma anticipate the attack and lying in ambush. Cao escaped again under escort Xu Chu, a man the strength of Hercules. Ma and Xu was involved in a long duel, and none of them managed to beat his opponent. The fight stopped when Cao ordered the retreat. Back at camp, Xu Cao praised as a mighty warrior who's right, who fought the ability befitted his nickname "Tiger Craze".
In the days that followed, Ma led his men to interfere with Cao troops and give them the opportunity to set up camps. Cao know it's hard to beat a brave general like Ma, so he accepted a strategy adviser Jia Xu to sow discord between Ma and Han Sui, and turn them against one another. Ma fell to execute the plan and he became suspicious of the Han. Finally, as tensions mounted, Ma faced with Han and Han tried to kill him but managed to escape under the protection of his men. Han defected to Cao Cao Cao and his troops took the opportunity to launch an attack. Ma defeated and fled with men who are still alive to join with Zhang Lu.
Ma led the troops from the western tribes to attack the prefecture in Longxi and handed him all prefectures, except for Jicheng Ma print. Victory in the Battle of Jicheng and kill Wei Kang, Inspector Liang Province, and occupied the city. He declared himself "Who General conquest of the West" and the provincial government took over Bing and control of military affairs in the province of Liang.
deputy Wei Kang, Yang Fu, Jiang Xu, Liang Kuan, Zhao Qu and others, are not happy with Ma Chao, and tried to expel him from Ji.
Although Ma Chao able to ward off attacks on officers Ji led by Cao Cao (especially Xiahou Yuan), he was finally forced out of town by some former followers Wei Kang. Yang and Jiang Licheng and rebelled at Ma in Jicheng to suppress the rebellion but failed. Meanwhile, Liang and Zhao Jicheng and Ma's close the gate denied entry. Fighting against rebels in Li (AD 213), Ma Chao firmly defeated and forced to live with the ruler of Hanzhong, Zhang Lu. He has been shut out of the city itself by the rebels.
Ma was not happy with Zhang Lu because she felt that Zhang was not able or ambitious enough to make great achievements. He asked Zhang to the troops to attack the provincial rut from time to time, but never succeeded. At Battle Mountain Qi (AD 214), Xiahou Yuan defeated Ma Chao.
Zhang never thought of marrying his daughter to Ma, but Shang Wang, one of Zhang's followers, opposed the idea, saying that Ma's bold but not inhumane and can not be trusted. Another follower Zhang suggested. That Ma will not love the people around him. Ma regretted that caused the death of family members. Families with hundreds of members, sharing all the same fate in a single day. Now that there are only two of us to give greetings to each other "?
Because the past was embarrassing Ma, Zhang Became suspicious of Ma's loyalty to uterus, and he Had to oversee and send Yang Bai Ma. After feeling that the province of Liang's not easy to conquer and that Zhang Lu does not believe him, Ma led his men out of Hanzhong to live with people around Wudu.
Zhang Fei and Ma Chao duel at Jiameng Pass
Jiameng Battle Pass is a fictional battle in the Story of the Three Kingdoms. Ma Chao fled after the defeat in the Battle of Tong Pass and joined the warlord Zhang Lu in Hanzhong. Zhang Ma later assigned to lead the troops to strengthen Liu Yi Zhang in the Province, which was attacked by Liu Bei. Ma's first meeting with Liu Bei's forces are in Jiameng Pass. Zhang Fei he was involved in two long duel, with neither of them emerged the winner. For fear that they might get hurt, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang consulted and they agreed that Ma would be a valuable ally, given the ability to fight, if he submitted to Liu. Liu Li Hui then send to persuade Ma to join, while using the tricks to make Liu Zhang put distrust to Ma. Ma ponder the situation and finally decided to pledge allegiance to Liu Bei. He became one of the Five Tiger General of Shu Han later.
Services under Liu Bei
When Ma heard that Liu Bei had surrounded Liu Zhang in Chengdu, he killed Yang Bai to prove his loyalty and deliver a secret letter to Liu Bei, asking to join him. Liu Bei was delighted and he sent Li Hui to take Ma to Chengdu. Liu Zhang and Liu Bei occupied surrender Yi Province. Liu Bei Ma picked as "The General Who would calm the West" and put him in charge of Linju. Ma was later promoted to "General of the Left" when Liu Bei declared himself the "King of Hanzhong." In 221, Ma was appointed "General of the Agile Cavalry" and Governor Liang, and received the title of "Marquis of LIXIANG"
During the campaign Hanzhong, Ma follow to attack Zhang Fei Cao Hong in Wudu. Ma and Zhang tried to trick Cao Hong to believe that they were planning to attack the route back, but Cao Xiu to see through the ruse and advised Cao Hong to launch a counterattack. Ma and Zhang defeated and forced to retreat. As a consequence of the defeat of Ma, the people in turning their allegiance to Cao Hong and kill Wu Lan, one of the subordinate Ma and Zhang.
When Peng Yang was appointed governor of Jiangyang and was about to leave Chengdu for the win, he visited the Ma and said, "If you are responsible for external affairs and I was responsible for internal affairs, the state will not be difficult. To calm the" Ma Peng interpret the statement as: " If you are outside Chengdu rebel and I helped you in, this country is not difficult to conquer. " Therefore, Ma quietly reported "treasonous speech" to the chancellor of Zhuge Liang Peng and Peng was executed for plotting rebellion.
In short, the primary concern after joining Ma Shu Han is to strengthen its position in the state by getting rid of Peng Yang, Zhuge Liang did not like it.
After Liu Bei made himself emperor and established the kingdom of Shu Han, Ma Chao was entrusted to keep the defense Yan Ping Pass (North Shu) from attack Kebineng (Qiang Chieftains), and attack the kingdom of Wei. Ma Chao died at the age of 47 years to 222 AD Before his death, he wrote a letter to Liu Bei, "Most of my extended family of 200 people were killed by Cao Cao. Only my younger cousin Ma Dai left. Let him continue the family line. I entrust him to you, Your Honor. That's all I'm saying.
Ma given the posthumous title of nobility "Marquis of Wei" and the title passed down by his son, Ma Cheng. Ma's daughter later married Liu Bei's son Liu Li, Prince of Anping. When Ma crossed over to Liu Bei, he left his concubine (surnamed Dong) and son (named Ma Qiu) in the domain of Zhang Lu. After Zhang's surrender to Cao Cao, Cao served Dong Pu and Ma Yan Qiu to Zhang. Zhang Qiu Ma kill personally.
Three major differences between Ma in the novel and in history that actually is:
1. In this novel, Cao Cao found That Ma Teng was planning installments with others, Including Liu Bei and Dong Cheng, "to kill uterus, so he decided to get rid of Ma Teng.
2. He lure Ma Teng and her children to Luoyang and have killed Them. Ma Chao was furious and vowed to Revenge his father and brother, so he led a Rebellion against Cao Cao.
3. In actual history, Ma Chao's family were the resource persons Executed by Cao Cao after Ma started the Rebellion.
4. In the novel, Ma Chao described as "Courageous, but Could not." However, in actual history, said Ma Ying comparable with Bu, Peng Yue and Han Xin from the early Han Dynasty.
5. In the novel, Ma Died up to 225, three years after his death in actual history.
Difference Between Fact and Fiction General
1. Ma Chao may not participate in the attack on Li Jue Ma Teng. If he fought in this campaign, he did not kill or capture Mr. Wang Fang Li Meng.
2. Ma Chao Ma Teng commanded troops in the Battle of the River Fen (AD 202), the battle is not mentioned in the story of the Three Kingdoms.
3. Ma Chao did not kill TDI around Tong Li Tong Pass.
Contrary to the novel, Ma Teng, Chao's father, died after Ma Chao rebelled against Cao Cao.
4. Ma Chao had fought in major battles with Zhong Yao.
historical sources do not mention Ma Chao duel with Yu Jin, Cao Hong, Zhang He, or Li Tong. Ma Chao is also not come close to killing Cao Cao at Tong.
Xu Chu, Cao Cao's bodyguard, not a duel with Ma Chao (historical).
5. Ma Chao is not cut off your left hand Han Sui (historical).
6. While praising Ma Chao, Chao Ma Ying Bu like, not Lu Bu.
It is not clear whether Ma Chao duel with Yang Fu in Licheng. Yang Fu wounded several times in battle.
7. Ma Chao had dueled with Zhang Fei in Jiameng Pass or fighting with the army of Liu Bei (historical).
8. Xiping Ma Chao does not maintain or prevent the invasion of Shu Xianbei. In fact, Kebineng, Xianbei king, is the enemy of Wei, and never in the history of war with Shu.
Some are saying about Ma Chao;
1. "Pride Ma Chao and his ability was too high causes the destruction of his entire clan What a pity!. If he can give up to pursue fame and glory and to refrain from competing with others, he will not save themselves from disaster?" (Chen Shou).
2. "If a young horse is not dead, I will not be able to have the location of the grave!" (Cao Cao)
3. "Mengqi are experts in both civil and military affairs He is fierce and mighty. And a hero in his time. He is comparable to the Qing and Peng Yue. He can. Compete with Yide, but not as good as the never sijanggut unrivaled." (Zhuge Liang).
4. "Dozens of generals in the Guanzhong may not united among themselves, only Han Sui and Ma Chao are the ones most powerful .." (Xun Yu).
5. "(Ma) Chao has the courage, but humanity does not, he knows loyalty but he can not be trusted in a relationship that requires an interdependence." (Wang Shang).
6. "(Ma) Chao has the courage Han Xin and Lu Bu, and he has support from the community Qiang and Rong. If we retreat now and do not reinforce the station's defense here, we lose all the prefectures in Longxi." (The Fu)
7. "(Ma) Chao strong but cruel, he is morally weak and susceptible to temptation and trickery." (The Fu)
8. "A child does not serve that would betray his own father, and a ruthless underling who tried to kill his master." (Ms. Yang Fu).
9. "If someone can not love his own family, how he loves someone else?" (Followers of Zhang Lu)
10. "(Ma Chao) stood up, forming alliances, start a rebellion in Three Qin, conquered the river and Tong Pass (He) rebelled. On the court, regardless of whether his followers agree or disagree with him. (In doing so, she) gives an opportunity for the enemy to sow discord (between him and his men), resulting in the destruction of his family and the force (him) against the moral and ethical. and finally had to rely on the Dragon and Phoenix. "(Xi Yang)
11. "Ma Chao betrayed his father;. (This is) an example of extreme cruelty" (Sun Sheng)
12. "A real tiger of a general." (Liu Bei)
Source :
Ma Chao was ordered by his father to follow Yao Zhong, Ma Chao ordered his troops at the Battle of the River Fen (Pingyang) in AD 202. In this battle, the combined forces under the command of Ma Chao and Yao Zhong victory against the generals and Guo Yuan Yuan Shang.
Director of followers, to attack Guo Yuan and Gao Gan in Pingyang. In the next battle, Ma hit by an arrow in the leg. But she wrapped her legs with a bag and the battle continues. He managed to defeat the enemy, while his subordinates to kill Pang De Guo Yuan. When Cao Cao became chancellor and then, he wants Ma to serve in the capital but Ma refuses.
At that time, Ma Teng has a difference of opinion with Han Sui, "General Who Controls the West", and he left the Province of Liang to work in the capital. Ma Teng was appointed as "Minister of Guards" by Cao Cao, and the whole family moved to Ye. Stay in the province of Ma Chao Liang, and appointed "Lieutenant General" and ordered to take command of his troops. He also received the title of "Marquis of Duting"
In 210 AD, Ma Teng Cao Cao summoned to the capital of the Han dynasty (at the time), Xuchang. Ma Teng Ma Chao led an army in the West, however. For the time being, there is peace between Ma Chao restless and Cao Cao. In the year 211, Cao Cao sent Xiahou Yuan Zhong Yao and to lead troops to attack Zhang Lu in Hanzhong. They will pass along the road Liang Province, and Ma Chao suspect that Cao was planning to attack him. He's at peace with Han Sui and contact Yang Qiu, Li Kan, Cheng Yi, and others. They form a force of about 100,000 strong to attack Cao Cao at Tong Pass.
Cao Hong back to Luo Yang and report to Cao Cao. Cao Cao's troops prepare to attack and seize back from Ma Chao Tong Pass. Before the battle, Cao Cao out to negotiate with Ma and Han Sui. Ma thought highly of him and secretly plans to capture Cao. However, he was afraid to move when guards Cao, Xu Chu, glared at him. Cao then puts Ma family, including Ma Teng (Ma Chao's father) death for alleged rebellion against the emperor.
Hearing the death of his father, Ma Chao, Cao increasingly upset with the action. Cao then attack Ma Chao at Tong Pass and can be defeated by Ma Chao's army, Battle of Tong Pass
In 211, Ma deploy troops to fight against Cao Cao to revenge his father and brothers, who was murdered on the orders of Cao. With the support of Han Sui, brothers of the oath of his father, Ma attacked Chang'an and conquers it with ease, after which he advanced to the direction of Tong Pass. Cao Cao was surprised and he sent Xu Huang and Cao Hong led 10,000 troops to block, issued an order for them to refrain from engaging the enemy and survive for 10 days. However, on the ninth day, Cao Hong could not bear the insults and taunts of Ma and his men, and led out to attack Ma without asking permission first. Xu Huang came to help Cao Hong, but both are not suitable for Ma, and loss of Tong Pass.
Cao Cao personally led the army to retake the Tong Pass. In the next battle, many of the best generals, such as Zhang He and Yu Jin, was defeated by Ma himself. Cao escape and he cut his beard and red robes thrown over flee to avoid identified by Ma's troops before rescued by Cao Hong and Xiahou Yuan. Cao Cao then led his troops across the river to cut off supply lines Ma, but Ma anticipate the attack and lying in ambush. Cao escaped again under escort Xu Chu, a man the strength of Hercules. Ma and Xu was involved in a long duel, and none of them managed to beat his opponent. The fight stopped when Cao ordered the retreat. Back at camp, Xu Cao praised as a mighty warrior who's right, who fought the ability befitted his nickname "Tiger Craze".
In the days that followed, Ma led his men to interfere with Cao troops and give them the opportunity to set up camps. Cao know it's hard to beat a brave general like Ma, so he accepted a strategy adviser Jia Xu to sow discord between Ma and Han Sui, and turn them against one another. Ma fell to execute the plan and he became suspicious of the Han. Finally, as tensions mounted, Ma faced with Han and Han tried to kill him but managed to escape under the protection of his men. Han defected to Cao Cao Cao and his troops took the opportunity to launch an attack. Ma defeated and fled with men who are still alive to join with Zhang Lu.
Ma led the troops from the western tribes to attack the prefecture in Longxi and handed him all prefectures, except for Jicheng Ma print. Victory in the Battle of Jicheng and kill Wei Kang, Inspector Liang Province, and occupied the city. He declared himself "Who General conquest of the West" and the provincial government took over Bing and control of military affairs in the province of Liang.
deputy Wei Kang, Yang Fu, Jiang Xu, Liang Kuan, Zhao Qu and others, are not happy with Ma Chao, and tried to expel him from Ji.
Although Ma Chao able to ward off attacks on officers Ji led by Cao Cao (especially Xiahou Yuan), he was finally forced out of town by some former followers Wei Kang. Yang and Jiang Licheng and rebelled at Ma in Jicheng to suppress the rebellion but failed. Meanwhile, Liang and Zhao Jicheng and Ma's close the gate denied entry. Fighting against rebels in Li (AD 213), Ma Chao firmly defeated and forced to live with the ruler of Hanzhong, Zhang Lu. He has been shut out of the city itself by the rebels.
Ma was not happy with Zhang Lu because she felt that Zhang was not able or ambitious enough to make great achievements. He asked Zhang to the troops to attack the provincial rut from time to time, but never succeeded. At Battle Mountain Qi (AD 214), Xiahou Yuan defeated Ma Chao.
Zhang never thought of marrying his daughter to Ma, but Shang Wang, one of Zhang's followers, opposed the idea, saying that Ma's bold but not inhumane and can not be trusted. Another follower Zhang suggested. That Ma will not love the people around him. Ma regretted that caused the death of family members. Families with hundreds of members, sharing all the same fate in a single day. Now that there are only two of us to give greetings to each other "?
Because the past was embarrassing Ma, Zhang Became suspicious of Ma's loyalty to uterus, and he Had to oversee and send Yang Bai Ma. After feeling that the province of Liang's not easy to conquer and that Zhang Lu does not believe him, Ma led his men out of Hanzhong to live with people around Wudu.
Zhang Fei and Ma Chao duel at Jiameng Pass
Jiameng Battle Pass is a fictional battle in the Story of the Three Kingdoms. Ma Chao fled after the defeat in the Battle of Tong Pass and joined the warlord Zhang Lu in Hanzhong. Zhang Ma later assigned to lead the troops to strengthen Liu Yi Zhang in the Province, which was attacked by Liu Bei. Ma's first meeting with Liu Bei's forces are in Jiameng Pass. Zhang Fei he was involved in two long duel, with neither of them emerged the winner. For fear that they might get hurt, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang consulted and they agreed that Ma would be a valuable ally, given the ability to fight, if he submitted to Liu. Liu Li Hui then send to persuade Ma to join, while using the tricks to make Liu Zhang put distrust to Ma. Ma ponder the situation and finally decided to pledge allegiance to Liu Bei. He became one of the Five Tiger General of Shu Han later.
Services under Liu Bei
When Ma heard that Liu Bei had surrounded Liu Zhang in Chengdu, he killed Yang Bai to prove his loyalty and deliver a secret letter to Liu Bei, asking to join him. Liu Bei was delighted and he sent Li Hui to take Ma to Chengdu. Liu Zhang and Liu Bei occupied surrender Yi Province. Liu Bei Ma picked as "The General Who would calm the West" and put him in charge of Linju. Ma was later promoted to "General of the Left" when Liu Bei declared himself the "King of Hanzhong." In 221, Ma was appointed "General of the Agile Cavalry" and Governor Liang, and received the title of "Marquis of LIXIANG"
During the campaign Hanzhong, Ma follow to attack Zhang Fei Cao Hong in Wudu. Ma and Zhang tried to trick Cao Hong to believe that they were planning to attack the route back, but Cao Xiu to see through the ruse and advised Cao Hong to launch a counterattack. Ma and Zhang defeated and forced to retreat. As a consequence of the defeat of Ma, the people in turning their allegiance to Cao Hong and kill Wu Lan, one of the subordinate Ma and Zhang.
When Peng Yang was appointed governor of Jiangyang and was about to leave Chengdu for the win, he visited the Ma and said, "If you are responsible for external affairs and I was responsible for internal affairs, the state will not be difficult. To calm the" Ma Peng interpret the statement as: " If you are outside Chengdu rebel and I helped you in, this country is not difficult to conquer. " Therefore, Ma quietly reported "treasonous speech" to the chancellor of Zhuge Liang Peng and Peng was executed for plotting rebellion.
In short, the primary concern after joining Ma Shu Han is to strengthen its position in the state by getting rid of Peng Yang, Zhuge Liang did not like it.
After Liu Bei made himself emperor and established the kingdom of Shu Han, Ma Chao was entrusted to keep the defense Yan Ping Pass (North Shu) from attack Kebineng (Qiang Chieftains), and attack the kingdom of Wei. Ma Chao died at the age of 47 years to 222 AD Before his death, he wrote a letter to Liu Bei, "Most of my extended family of 200 people were killed by Cao Cao. Only my younger cousin Ma Dai left. Let him continue the family line. I entrust him to you, Your Honor. That's all I'm saying.
Ma given the posthumous title of nobility "Marquis of Wei" and the title passed down by his son, Ma Cheng. Ma's daughter later married Liu Bei's son Liu Li, Prince of Anping. When Ma crossed over to Liu Bei, he left his concubine (surnamed Dong) and son (named Ma Qiu) in the domain of Zhang Lu. After Zhang's surrender to Cao Cao, Cao served Dong Pu and Ma Yan Qiu to Zhang. Zhang Qiu Ma kill personally.
Three major differences between Ma in the novel and in history that actually is:
1. In this novel, Cao Cao found That Ma Teng was planning installments with others, Including Liu Bei and Dong Cheng, "to kill uterus, so he decided to get rid of Ma Teng.
2. He lure Ma Teng and her children to Luoyang and have killed Them. Ma Chao was furious and vowed to Revenge his father and brother, so he led a Rebellion against Cao Cao.
3. In actual history, Ma Chao's family were the resource persons Executed by Cao Cao after Ma started the Rebellion.
4. In the novel, Ma Chao described as "Courageous, but Could not." However, in actual history, said Ma Ying comparable with Bu, Peng Yue and Han Xin from the early Han Dynasty.
5. In the novel, Ma Died up to 225, three years after his death in actual history.
Difference Between Fact and Fiction General
1. Ma Chao may not participate in the attack on Li Jue Ma Teng. If he fought in this campaign, he did not kill or capture Mr. Wang Fang Li Meng.
2. Ma Chao Ma Teng commanded troops in the Battle of the River Fen (AD 202), the battle is not mentioned in the story of the Three Kingdoms.
3. Ma Chao did not kill TDI around Tong Li Tong Pass.
Contrary to the novel, Ma Teng, Chao's father, died after Ma Chao rebelled against Cao Cao.
4. Ma Chao had fought in major battles with Zhong Yao.
historical sources do not mention Ma Chao duel with Yu Jin, Cao Hong, Zhang He, or Li Tong. Ma Chao is also not come close to killing Cao Cao at Tong.
Xu Chu, Cao Cao's bodyguard, not a duel with Ma Chao (historical).
5. Ma Chao is not cut off your left hand Han Sui (historical).
6. While praising Ma Chao, Chao Ma Ying Bu like, not Lu Bu.
It is not clear whether Ma Chao duel with Yang Fu in Licheng. Yang Fu wounded several times in battle.
7. Ma Chao had dueled with Zhang Fei in Jiameng Pass or fighting with the army of Liu Bei (historical).
8. Xiping Ma Chao does not maintain or prevent the invasion of Shu Xianbei. In fact, Kebineng, Xianbei king, is the enemy of Wei, and never in the history of war with Shu.
Some are saying about Ma Chao;
1. "Pride Ma Chao and his ability was too high causes the destruction of his entire clan What a pity!. If he can give up to pursue fame and glory and to refrain from competing with others, he will not save themselves from disaster?" (Chen Shou).
2. "If a young horse is not dead, I will not be able to have the location of the grave!" (Cao Cao)
3. "Mengqi are experts in both civil and military affairs He is fierce and mighty. And a hero in his time. He is comparable to the Qing and Peng Yue. He can. Compete with Yide, but not as good as the never sijanggut unrivaled." (Zhuge Liang).
4. "Dozens of generals in the Guanzhong may not united among themselves, only Han Sui and Ma Chao are the ones most powerful .." (Xun Yu).
5. "(Ma) Chao has the courage, but humanity does not, he knows loyalty but he can not be trusted in a relationship that requires an interdependence." (Wang Shang).
6. "(Ma) Chao has the courage Han Xin and Lu Bu, and he has support from the community Qiang and Rong. If we retreat now and do not reinforce the station's defense here, we lose all the prefectures in Longxi." (The Fu)
7. "(Ma) Chao strong but cruel, he is morally weak and susceptible to temptation and trickery." (The Fu)
8. "A child does not serve that would betray his own father, and a ruthless underling who tried to kill his master." (Ms. Yang Fu).
9. "If someone can not love his own family, how he loves someone else?" (Followers of Zhang Lu)
10. "(Ma Chao) stood up, forming alliances, start a rebellion in Three Qin, conquered the river and Tong Pass (He) rebelled. On the court, regardless of whether his followers agree or disagree with him. (In doing so, she) gives an opportunity for the enemy to sow discord (between him and his men), resulting in the destruction of his family and the force (him) against the moral and ethical. and finally had to rely on the Dragon and Phoenix. "(Xi Yang)
11. "Ma Chao betrayed his father;. (This is) an example of extreme cruelty" (Sun Sheng)
12. "A real tiger of a general." (Liu Bei)
Source :
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sedikit menyampaikan beberapa hal mengenai tentara kebanggaan TNI AD /
ABRI yang bernama kopassus. Saya berusaha menjauhi informasi formal yang
sudah sering kita baca di koran-koran, apa yang ada ini lebih berupa
“inside Kopassus”
Kilasan Sejarah Kopassus dibentuk oleh Kolonel E Kawilarang yang waktu menjabat Sebagai Panglima TT III / Tentara Teritorium siliwangi. Ia memanggil seorang bekas tentara KNIL yang memilih menjadi WNI, ketika terjadi perang DI/TII,namanya Mayor Ijon Jambi (orang Belanda, Nama aslinya RB Visser).
Kopassus diresmikan oleh AH Nasution pada waktu itu dan hanya 6 bulan berada dibawah TT III Siliwangi sebelum akhirnya dimabil alih oleh AD. Baretnyapun berwarna merah, karena memang mengambil alih konsep pasukan Belanda “roode baret”. Mengenai warna baret ini perlu kita ketahui bersama bahwa seluruh pasukan khusus di dunia menggunakan warna hijau, sedangkan pasukan “airborne/ lintas udara” nya berwarna merah. Tapi di Indonesia terbalik, justru pasukan
khususnya yang menggunakan baret warna merah.
Struktur Organisasi saat ini Kopassus terdiri atas 5 Grup (istilah grup hanya dipakai oleh Special Forces dibeberapa negara didunia, sedangkan tentara pada umumnya menggunakan istilah Batalyon, Detasemen, Brigade dan Divisi). Setiap Grup dipimpin oleh seorang Pamen berpangkat Kolonel. Dari prajurit sampai dengan Kolonel adalah tentara yang profesional dan terlatih terus, baik secara fisik maupun mental. Jadi jangan dibayangkan bahwa semakin tinggi
pangkat atau tua usia seorang prajurit Kopassus itu akan jadi lamban seperti tentara pada umumnya. Sangat sulit menemukan anggota ABRI yang pensiun di Kopassus, karena begitu fisiknya tidak memadai, Ia akan langsung mutasi ke Satuan lainnya.
Grup ini baru dimekarkan oleh Letjen Prabowo beberapa bulan lalu, sehubungan dengan AGHT (Ancaman, Gangguan, Hamabatan dan Tantangan) yang ada di depan kita di masa mendatang. Diperkirakan tidak akan ada perang dalam skala besar tapi justru skala kecil intensitas tinggi (terorisme, penculikan dll). Sebagai mana
layaknya Pasukan Khusus didunia, maka Kopassus dibentuk untuk menghadapi perang dalam skala kecil tapi berintensitas tinggi, seperti terorisme.
Grup 3 berlokasi di Batujajar, Jabar (dekat Cimahi) dan merupakan
Pusdikpasus (pusat Pendidikan Kopassus). Tempat latihannya berada disekitar Bandung sampai dengan Cilacap. Group 1 – 3 bekualifikasi PARA KOMANDO (semua anggotanya harus Mengikuti latihan terjun payung dasar/tempur )
Grup 4 disebut Sandhy Yudha dan berlokasi di Cijantung Jakarta, merupakan orang pilihan dari 3 grup pertama yang dilatih kembali menjadi berkualifikasi Intelejen Tempur, dengan tugas menghancurkan lawan digaris belakang pertahanan lawan (penyusupan).
Mereka adalah tentara profesional yang dalam pergerakannya dalam bentuk Unit (istilah dalam Special Forces, dalam tentara biasa disebut Regu, Peleton atau Kompi) berjumlah sekitar 5 orang. Dalam masa damai seperti saat ini, mereka mendapat tugas Intelejen Teritorial, misalnya mengetahui karakteristik demografi suatu daerah, pendukung dana yang bisa dimanfaatkan, tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, preman-preman dll.
(Sebagai informasi saja, bahwa sejak bulan Juni 1997, Kopassus mengirimkan team kecilnya keseluruh kota-kota besar di Indonesia dengan tugas RAHASIA, karena ABRI yang lainpun tidak mengetahui dengan pasti apa tugas mereka. Di beberapa lokasi / Kodam, tentara lokalnya bahkan tersinggung karena seolah-olah dianggap tidak mampu me manage daerahnya. Mereka ditarik kembali ke Jakarta pada bulan Januari 1998).
Kehebatan lain Grup ini adalah pola perilaku dan penampilannya yang sama sekali tidak mirip tentara . Misalnya cara bicara tidak patah-patah, rambut panjang, tidak pernah menghormat atasan atau yang pangkatnya lebih tinggi bila bertemu di luar Ksatrian mereka. Jadi sangat jauh dengan gaya Serse Polisi atau Intel Kodim dll. yang kadangkala justru menunjukkan kalau dirinya Intel. Mereka tidak ngantor setiap hari dan sangat jarang pakai seragam, hanya pada saat tertentu saja mereka kembali ke kantor (misalnya 2 minggu sekali untuk laporan atau mendapat tugas baru). Jadi pada prinsipnya
mereka sangat aktif berkecimpung dalam kehidupan masyarakat biasa misalnya di RT/RW, Perkumpulan Terjun Payung, Jeep Club dll. (terutama bagi mereka yang tidak tinggal di Ksatrian). Group ini
sangat profesional dalam penyamarannya dan juga sudah mendapatkan pendidikan
Perang Kota dari Green Beret US Army. Di Timor Timur, Aceh dan Irian (3 hot spot di Indonesia yang sering digunakan sebagai ajang latihan juga) mereka menyusup sampai ke kampung -kampung dan membentuk basis perlawanan terhadap GPK dari masyarakat lokal sendiri. Oleh karenanya kemampuan menggalang massa nya sangat terlatih.
Grup 5 (atau yang dikenal sebagai Detasemen 81, karena keberhasilannya dalam peristiwa pembajakan pesawat di Don Muang, Muangthai tahun 1981) adalah orang pilihan dari Group 4 dan merupakan yang terbaik yang dimiliki Kopassus. Mereka memiliki Ksatrian tersendiri di Cijantung dan terisolir. Klasifikasinya adalah ANTI TERORIS dan akan selalu mengikuti perjalanan kenegaraan Presiden. Pengetahuan orang bahkan ABRI sendiri tentang Grup ini
sangat minim, karena mereka sangat terisolir dan rahasia. Sebuah sumber mengatakan bahwa mereka mengikuti pola GSG 9 Jerman (Pasukan elite polisi Jerman, yang berhasil dalam pembebasan sandera di Kedutaan besar Jerman di Iran). Mengingat Prabowo adalah satu-satunya Perwira Indonesia yang pernah lulus dalam pendidikan anti teroris di GSG 9.
Namun demikian saat ini mereka sudah mulai mencampurkan pola latihannya sehubungan dengan banyaknya perwira yang dilatih oleh Green Berets US Army (misalnya Mayjen Syafrie Syamsudin). Peralatan yang mereka miliki sangat canggih dan tidak ada bedanya dengan satuan elite tentara lainnya di dunia.
Jadi pendidikan awal seorang Kopassus adalah mengambil kualifikasi KOMANDO yang harus dijalani sekitar 6 bulan. Materi latihan meliputi Perang Hutan, Buru Senyap, Survival (dilakukan di daerah Situ Lembang dilanjutkan dengan long march ke Cilacap untuk latihan rawa laut, survival laut, pendaratan pantai dll.
Selain itu juga mereka harus mengambil pendidikan PARA DASAR Tempur dengan materi yang meliputi terjun malam, terjun tempur bersenjata dan diterjunkan di Hutan (membawa senjata, ransel, payung utama dan payung cadangan).
Dalam semua latihannya mereka akan menggunakan peluru tajam, oleh karenanya tidaklah heran bila hampir dalam setiap latihan selalu ada siswa yang meninggal dunia karena berbagai sebab (kelelahan, kecelakaan dll).
Standard yang dipakai di Kopassus sangat amat ketat, bagi yang fisiknya kurang mampu atau mentalnya lemah, jangan harap bisa bertahan didalam latihan ini, atau di Satuan ini. Kesalahan sekecil apapun tidak akan ditolerir, karena memang tugas mereka sangat berbahaya. Setiap anggota Kopassus harus memiliki keahlian khusus seperti menjadi penerjun payung handal (Combat Free Fall), penyelam, penembak mahir (sniper), Daki Serbu, Komputer/perang elektrokika, perang psikologi, menguasai sedikitnya 2 bahasa
daerah bagi para tamtama dan bintara dan bahasa asing untuk para perwiranya.
Mereka diseleksi secara ketat, baik oleh Team Kes AD (Kesehatan), PSIAD (Dinas Psikologi AD) dan Team Jas AD (Jasmani/Kesemaptaan). Proses seleksi ini pada dasarnya berjalan terus menerus sampai dengan selesainya latihan, seorang Pasis (Perwira Siswa) yang melakukan kesalahan pada hari terakhir latihan, akan langsung dipecat, artinya tidak ada kompromi. Oleh karenanyalah, LOYALITAS terhadap perintah atasan sangat penting dalam organisasi ini.
Kopassus merupakan tentara pilihan dan mereka tidak mentolerir kesalahan dalam operasi sekecil apapun (Safety First), oleh karenanya perlengkapan yang mereka pakai sangat jauh berbeda dengan tentara lainnya. Perlengakapan mereka sangat canggih dan modern, misalnya saja untuk membaca peta, sudah tidak menggunakan lagi Kompas Prisma, tapi GPS (Global Positioning System) yang langsung berhubungan dengan Satelit; dengan hanya menekan satu tombol
saja, mereka akan mengetahui dengan tepat posisinya , jarak yang akan ditempuh bila akan menuju ke koordinat tertentu.
Grup antiterornya menggunakan senapan H&K MP5 , yang merupakan standar pasukan khusus terbaik di dunia seperti Green Berets, Delta Force, Navy Seal, GSG 9 Jerman, SAS dll. Pistol yang dipakai Beretta 9 mm (.45), selain itu juga berbagai macam kaliber lainnya seperti kaliber .22 (pistol kecil). Apabila peralatan yang mereka pakai sudah saatnya diganti (menurut manual) maka akan segera diganti. Hal ini sangat jauh berbeda dengan tentara lainnya yang cenderung konvensional dan melakukan tambal sulam terhadap peralatannya.
Mereka punya peralatan terjun payung tercanggih untuk melakukan HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) dan HAHO (High Altitude High Opening) yang memakai masker oksigen dll. Penerjunan ini dilakukan setinggi mungkin, sekitar 10.000 feet dan kemudian dia akan melayang dan membuka payungnya serendah mungkin guna menghindari radar lawan (agar tetap tampak seperti burung yang
melayang diudara di radar lawan).
Peralatan pendaratan pantai (memiliki LCR/Landing Craft Rubber/Perahu karet dengan mesin yang hampir tanpa bunyi, yang digunakan untuk operasi penyusupan dimalam hari), menyelam (dilatih seperti UDT, Underwater Demolition Team US Navy,), team Daki Serbu ( yang baru saja menaklukkan Himalaya dan dikenal di luar sebagai PPGAD/Persatuan Pendaki Gunung TNI AD).
Kehebatan Kopassus adalah mereka tidak segan-segan untuk meminta bantuan pihak lain yang dianggap ekspert dibidangnya seperti PADI untuk menyelam, AVES untuk terjun payung, Wanadri untuk naik gunung dll. yang dalam perjalanannya kemudian akan mereka modifikasi sendiri untuk keperluan tempur dan malahan menjadi lebih hebat.
Sebagai sebuah Satuan mereka memiliki Dinas Hub (Perhubungan) sendiri yang sangat canggih dan memiliki sistem perhubungan portable yang mandiri dan Satelite Mobile Phonet, Kes (Kesehatan) sendiri, Pal (Peralatan) sendiri dengan persenjataan yang canggih, Bek (Perbekalan) sendiri, Ang (Angkutan) sendiri, dengan mobil-mobil Hummer, mobil dipantai dll.
Bahkan mereka merencanakan untuk membeli helikopter sendiri dari Rusia (namun gagal karena Krismon). Jadi pada prinsipnya mereka sangat mandiri, termasuk memiliki sejumlah panser.
Kesimpulan & Keunggulan
1. 1 orang Kopassus dapat disetarakan dengan minimal 3 orang tentara biasa, karena ybs dilatih dengan berbagai ketrampilan (komunikasi radio, menembak, P3K dll). Di tentara biasa hal ini tidak dijumpai;
2. Kedisiplinan dan loyalitas yang tinggi terhadap tugas;
3. Biaya pelatihan bagi seorang Kopasssus sangatlah mahal;
4. Peralatan yang canggih dan tepat guna;
5. Secara umum kesejahteraan anggota Kopassus lebih baik dibandingkan tentara pada umumnya, terutama ketika dibawah Prabowo, karena ia sangat memperhatikan hal ini. (misalnya bila ada lelangan mobil di Bimantara dll., maka mobil bekas tersebut akan segera di beli oleh Kopassus untuk dijual murah kepada anggotanya /perwira);
6. Sangat jarang bagi mereka tinggal dirumah, selalu latihan dan operasi;
7. Mereka adalah tentara profesional yang tidak pernah ragu untuk mengambil keputusan dalam membela negaranya dari bahaya
8. Sangat amat jarang ditemukan anggota Kopassus yang bekerja menjadi SATPAM di industri-industri, sebagaimana sering ditemui terjadi pada tentara lainnya. Karena relatif taraf ekonomi mereka lebih terjamin sehubungan dengan adanya YAYASAN KOBAME (Korps Baret Merah)
9. Cara-cara mereka beroperasi sangat profesional (dalam pengertian tentara misalnya tehnik membunuh, kontra intelejen, agitasi, propaganda, perang psikologi, penggalangan massa, menguasai berbagai macam type senjata).
Saya tidak mengartikannya dalam konteks HAM dan hukum positif.
Info Tambahan:
Sebenarnya Indonesia juga mempunyai pasukan khusus lainnya milik TNI AL, namanya DEN JAKA yang bermarkas di Jakarta dan dipimpin oleh seorang mayor (dikenal dekat dengan Prabowo). Pasukan ini memiliki kemampuan UDT (Underwater Demolition Team) dan dilatih secara intensif oleh US Navy Seal. Mereka aktif terlibat dalam menangkal masuknya kapal Louisiana Expresso beberapa tahun yang lalu di perairan Timtim. Detasemen ini juga mengadopsi SBS , team pendarat pantai yang handal dari US Navy dan AL Inggris. Mereka biasa melakukan penerjunan malam hari di rig-rig minyak lepas pantai, dengan menggunakan skenario terorisme. Jadi sabotase dibawah laut , penghancuran dan penyerangan dari laut merupakan keunggulan satuan ini. Perlu diketahui bahwa selain tingkat fisik dan mental yang kuat, intelegensi para perwiranya juga sangat dominan.
Sumber :
Kilasan Sejarah Kopassus dibentuk oleh Kolonel E Kawilarang yang waktu menjabat Sebagai Panglima TT III / Tentara Teritorium siliwangi. Ia memanggil seorang bekas tentara KNIL yang memilih menjadi WNI, ketika terjadi perang DI/TII,namanya Mayor Ijon Jambi (orang Belanda, Nama aslinya RB Visser).
Kopassus diresmikan oleh AH Nasution pada waktu itu dan hanya 6 bulan berada dibawah TT III Siliwangi sebelum akhirnya dimabil alih oleh AD. Baretnyapun berwarna merah, karena memang mengambil alih konsep pasukan Belanda “roode baret”. Mengenai warna baret ini perlu kita ketahui bersama bahwa seluruh pasukan khusus di dunia menggunakan warna hijau, sedangkan pasukan “airborne/ lintas udara” nya berwarna merah. Tapi di Indonesia terbalik, justru pasukan
khususnya yang menggunakan baret warna merah.
Struktur Organisasi saat ini Kopassus terdiri atas 5 Grup (istilah grup hanya dipakai oleh Special Forces dibeberapa negara didunia, sedangkan tentara pada umumnya menggunakan istilah Batalyon, Detasemen, Brigade dan Divisi). Setiap Grup dipimpin oleh seorang Pamen berpangkat Kolonel. Dari prajurit sampai dengan Kolonel adalah tentara yang profesional dan terlatih terus, baik secara fisik maupun mental. Jadi jangan dibayangkan bahwa semakin tinggi
pangkat atau tua usia seorang prajurit Kopassus itu akan jadi lamban seperti tentara pada umumnya. Sangat sulit menemukan anggota ABRI yang pensiun di Kopassus, karena begitu fisiknya tidak memadai, Ia akan langsung mutasi ke Satuan lainnya.
Grup ini baru dimekarkan oleh Letjen Prabowo beberapa bulan lalu, sehubungan dengan AGHT (Ancaman, Gangguan, Hamabatan dan Tantangan) yang ada di depan kita di masa mendatang. Diperkirakan tidak akan ada perang dalam skala besar tapi justru skala kecil intensitas tinggi (terorisme, penculikan dll). Sebagai mana
layaknya Pasukan Khusus didunia, maka Kopassus dibentuk untuk menghadapi perang dalam skala kecil tapi berintensitas tinggi, seperti terorisme.
Grup 3 berlokasi di Batujajar, Jabar (dekat Cimahi) dan merupakan
Pusdikpasus (pusat Pendidikan Kopassus). Tempat latihannya berada disekitar Bandung sampai dengan Cilacap. Group 1 – 3 bekualifikasi PARA KOMANDO (semua anggotanya harus Mengikuti latihan terjun payung dasar/tempur )
Grup 4 disebut Sandhy Yudha dan berlokasi di Cijantung Jakarta, merupakan orang pilihan dari 3 grup pertama yang dilatih kembali menjadi berkualifikasi Intelejen Tempur, dengan tugas menghancurkan lawan digaris belakang pertahanan lawan (penyusupan).
Mereka adalah tentara profesional yang dalam pergerakannya dalam bentuk Unit (istilah dalam Special Forces, dalam tentara biasa disebut Regu, Peleton atau Kompi) berjumlah sekitar 5 orang. Dalam masa damai seperti saat ini, mereka mendapat tugas Intelejen Teritorial, misalnya mengetahui karakteristik demografi suatu daerah, pendukung dana yang bisa dimanfaatkan, tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, preman-preman dll.
(Sebagai informasi saja, bahwa sejak bulan Juni 1997, Kopassus mengirimkan team kecilnya keseluruh kota-kota besar di Indonesia dengan tugas RAHASIA, karena ABRI yang lainpun tidak mengetahui dengan pasti apa tugas mereka. Di beberapa lokasi / Kodam, tentara lokalnya bahkan tersinggung karena seolah-olah dianggap tidak mampu me manage daerahnya. Mereka ditarik kembali ke Jakarta pada bulan Januari 1998).
Kehebatan lain Grup ini adalah pola perilaku dan penampilannya yang sama sekali tidak mirip tentara . Misalnya cara bicara tidak patah-patah, rambut panjang, tidak pernah menghormat atasan atau yang pangkatnya lebih tinggi bila bertemu di luar Ksatrian mereka. Jadi sangat jauh dengan gaya Serse Polisi atau Intel Kodim dll. yang kadangkala justru menunjukkan kalau dirinya Intel. Mereka tidak ngantor setiap hari dan sangat jarang pakai seragam, hanya pada saat tertentu saja mereka kembali ke kantor (misalnya 2 minggu sekali untuk laporan atau mendapat tugas baru). Jadi pada prinsipnya
mereka sangat aktif berkecimpung dalam kehidupan masyarakat biasa misalnya di RT/RW, Perkumpulan Terjun Payung, Jeep Club dll. (terutama bagi mereka yang tidak tinggal di Ksatrian). Group ini
sangat profesional dalam penyamarannya dan juga sudah mendapatkan pendidikan
Perang Kota dari Green Beret US Army. Di Timor Timur, Aceh dan Irian (3 hot spot di Indonesia yang sering digunakan sebagai ajang latihan juga) mereka menyusup sampai ke kampung -kampung dan membentuk basis perlawanan terhadap GPK dari masyarakat lokal sendiri. Oleh karenanya kemampuan menggalang massa nya sangat terlatih.
Grup 5 (atau yang dikenal sebagai Detasemen 81, karena keberhasilannya dalam peristiwa pembajakan pesawat di Don Muang, Muangthai tahun 1981) adalah orang pilihan dari Group 4 dan merupakan yang terbaik yang dimiliki Kopassus. Mereka memiliki Ksatrian tersendiri di Cijantung dan terisolir. Klasifikasinya adalah ANTI TERORIS dan akan selalu mengikuti perjalanan kenegaraan Presiden. Pengetahuan orang bahkan ABRI sendiri tentang Grup ini
sangat minim, karena mereka sangat terisolir dan rahasia. Sebuah sumber mengatakan bahwa mereka mengikuti pola GSG 9 Jerman (Pasukan elite polisi Jerman, yang berhasil dalam pembebasan sandera di Kedutaan besar Jerman di Iran). Mengingat Prabowo adalah satu-satunya Perwira Indonesia yang pernah lulus dalam pendidikan anti teroris di GSG 9.
Namun demikian saat ini mereka sudah mulai mencampurkan pola latihannya sehubungan dengan banyaknya perwira yang dilatih oleh Green Berets US Army (misalnya Mayjen Syafrie Syamsudin). Peralatan yang mereka miliki sangat canggih dan tidak ada bedanya dengan satuan elite tentara lainnya di dunia.
Jadi pendidikan awal seorang Kopassus adalah mengambil kualifikasi KOMANDO yang harus dijalani sekitar 6 bulan. Materi latihan meliputi Perang Hutan, Buru Senyap, Survival (dilakukan di daerah Situ Lembang dilanjutkan dengan long march ke Cilacap untuk latihan rawa laut, survival laut, pendaratan pantai dll.
Selain itu juga mereka harus mengambil pendidikan PARA DASAR Tempur dengan materi yang meliputi terjun malam, terjun tempur bersenjata dan diterjunkan di Hutan (membawa senjata, ransel, payung utama dan payung cadangan).
Dalam semua latihannya mereka akan menggunakan peluru tajam, oleh karenanya tidaklah heran bila hampir dalam setiap latihan selalu ada siswa yang meninggal dunia karena berbagai sebab (kelelahan, kecelakaan dll).
Standard yang dipakai di Kopassus sangat amat ketat, bagi yang fisiknya kurang mampu atau mentalnya lemah, jangan harap bisa bertahan didalam latihan ini, atau di Satuan ini. Kesalahan sekecil apapun tidak akan ditolerir, karena memang tugas mereka sangat berbahaya. Setiap anggota Kopassus harus memiliki keahlian khusus seperti menjadi penerjun payung handal (Combat Free Fall), penyelam, penembak mahir (sniper), Daki Serbu, Komputer/perang elektrokika, perang psikologi, menguasai sedikitnya 2 bahasa
daerah bagi para tamtama dan bintara dan bahasa asing untuk para perwiranya.
Mereka diseleksi secara ketat, baik oleh Team Kes AD (Kesehatan), PSIAD (Dinas Psikologi AD) dan Team Jas AD (Jasmani/Kesemaptaan). Proses seleksi ini pada dasarnya berjalan terus menerus sampai dengan selesainya latihan, seorang Pasis (Perwira Siswa) yang melakukan kesalahan pada hari terakhir latihan, akan langsung dipecat, artinya tidak ada kompromi. Oleh karenanyalah, LOYALITAS terhadap perintah atasan sangat penting dalam organisasi ini.
Kopassus merupakan tentara pilihan dan mereka tidak mentolerir kesalahan dalam operasi sekecil apapun (Safety First), oleh karenanya perlengkapan yang mereka pakai sangat jauh berbeda dengan tentara lainnya. Perlengakapan mereka sangat canggih dan modern, misalnya saja untuk membaca peta, sudah tidak menggunakan lagi Kompas Prisma, tapi GPS (Global Positioning System) yang langsung berhubungan dengan Satelit; dengan hanya menekan satu tombol
saja, mereka akan mengetahui dengan tepat posisinya , jarak yang akan ditempuh bila akan menuju ke koordinat tertentu.
Grup antiterornya menggunakan senapan H&K MP5 , yang merupakan standar pasukan khusus terbaik di dunia seperti Green Berets, Delta Force, Navy Seal, GSG 9 Jerman, SAS dll. Pistol yang dipakai Beretta 9 mm (.45), selain itu juga berbagai macam kaliber lainnya seperti kaliber .22 (pistol kecil). Apabila peralatan yang mereka pakai sudah saatnya diganti (menurut manual) maka akan segera diganti. Hal ini sangat jauh berbeda dengan tentara lainnya yang cenderung konvensional dan melakukan tambal sulam terhadap peralatannya.
Mereka punya peralatan terjun payung tercanggih untuk melakukan HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) dan HAHO (High Altitude High Opening) yang memakai masker oksigen dll. Penerjunan ini dilakukan setinggi mungkin, sekitar 10.000 feet dan kemudian dia akan melayang dan membuka payungnya serendah mungkin guna menghindari radar lawan (agar tetap tampak seperti burung yang
melayang diudara di radar lawan).
Peralatan pendaratan pantai (memiliki LCR/Landing Craft Rubber/Perahu karet dengan mesin yang hampir tanpa bunyi, yang digunakan untuk operasi penyusupan dimalam hari), menyelam (dilatih seperti UDT, Underwater Demolition Team US Navy,), team Daki Serbu ( yang baru saja menaklukkan Himalaya dan dikenal di luar sebagai PPGAD/Persatuan Pendaki Gunung TNI AD).
Kehebatan Kopassus adalah mereka tidak segan-segan untuk meminta bantuan pihak lain yang dianggap ekspert dibidangnya seperti PADI untuk menyelam, AVES untuk terjun payung, Wanadri untuk naik gunung dll. yang dalam perjalanannya kemudian akan mereka modifikasi sendiri untuk keperluan tempur dan malahan menjadi lebih hebat.
Sebagai sebuah Satuan mereka memiliki Dinas Hub (Perhubungan) sendiri yang sangat canggih dan memiliki sistem perhubungan portable yang mandiri dan Satelite Mobile Phonet, Kes (Kesehatan) sendiri, Pal (Peralatan) sendiri dengan persenjataan yang canggih, Bek (Perbekalan) sendiri, Ang (Angkutan) sendiri, dengan mobil-mobil Hummer, mobil dipantai dll.
Bahkan mereka merencanakan untuk membeli helikopter sendiri dari Rusia (namun gagal karena Krismon). Jadi pada prinsipnya mereka sangat mandiri, termasuk memiliki sejumlah panser.
Kesimpulan & Keunggulan
1. 1 orang Kopassus dapat disetarakan dengan minimal 3 orang tentara biasa, karena ybs dilatih dengan berbagai ketrampilan (komunikasi radio, menembak, P3K dll). Di tentara biasa hal ini tidak dijumpai;
2. Kedisiplinan dan loyalitas yang tinggi terhadap tugas;
3. Biaya pelatihan bagi seorang Kopasssus sangatlah mahal;
4. Peralatan yang canggih dan tepat guna;
5. Secara umum kesejahteraan anggota Kopassus lebih baik dibandingkan tentara pada umumnya, terutama ketika dibawah Prabowo, karena ia sangat memperhatikan hal ini. (misalnya bila ada lelangan mobil di Bimantara dll., maka mobil bekas tersebut akan segera di beli oleh Kopassus untuk dijual murah kepada anggotanya /perwira);
6. Sangat jarang bagi mereka tinggal dirumah, selalu latihan dan operasi;
7. Mereka adalah tentara profesional yang tidak pernah ragu untuk mengambil keputusan dalam membela negaranya dari bahaya
8. Sangat amat jarang ditemukan anggota Kopassus yang bekerja menjadi SATPAM di industri-industri, sebagaimana sering ditemui terjadi pada tentara lainnya. Karena relatif taraf ekonomi mereka lebih terjamin sehubungan dengan adanya YAYASAN KOBAME (Korps Baret Merah)
9. Cara-cara mereka beroperasi sangat profesional (dalam pengertian tentara misalnya tehnik membunuh, kontra intelejen, agitasi, propaganda, perang psikologi, penggalangan massa, menguasai berbagai macam type senjata).
Saya tidak mengartikannya dalam konteks HAM dan hukum positif.
Info Tambahan:
Sebenarnya Indonesia juga mempunyai pasukan khusus lainnya milik TNI AL, namanya DEN JAKA yang bermarkas di Jakarta dan dipimpin oleh seorang mayor (dikenal dekat dengan Prabowo). Pasukan ini memiliki kemampuan UDT (Underwater Demolition Team) dan dilatih secara intensif oleh US Navy Seal. Mereka aktif terlibat dalam menangkal masuknya kapal Louisiana Expresso beberapa tahun yang lalu di perairan Timtim. Detasemen ini juga mengadopsi SBS , team pendarat pantai yang handal dari US Navy dan AL Inggris. Mereka biasa melakukan penerjunan malam hari di rig-rig minyak lepas pantai, dengan menggunakan skenario terorisme. Jadi sabotase dibawah laut , penghancuran dan penyerangan dari laut merupakan keunggulan satuan ini. Perlu diketahui bahwa selain tingkat fisik dan mental yang kuat, intelegensi para perwiranya juga sangat dominan.
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